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 "Wanna tell me what you three were up to?" I raised a single brow as I walked up to the trio, "and spoil the surprise?" Enid jumped up with happiness suddenly, clapping her hands together in a tight repetitive motion, "speaking of surprises, your costume's are in the tent." I narrowed my eyes at the blonde wolf, "what do you mean by costume Enid?"

She grabbed my hand, squeezing it in uncontrollable excitement and dragged me towards the competition sight, all the way at the other side of the school while Wednesday simply followed in a calmer manner. The short tent at the end of our journey was one of four just alike, each different colors for their respective teams.

She nudged me inside the team's tent allowing Wednesday to walk in on her own. A quick glance around left me sighing, two chairs each with a set of stitched aquatic clothing, "you've got to be kidding," side eyeing Wednesday, "put it on." She glared at me, the disdain palpable on its own but it was not something that could easily phase me, "you forced us into this, so put the damned costume on." She swallowed, averting her gaze from my side profile, I didn't look at her instead keeping my head straight forward as I grabbed the handmade outfit and fiddled with it. Tossing it back on the chair I began to strip as Wednesday kept glancing at me, changing into the costume as well.

The skin tight legs of the suit were pulled up around my thighs when I paused listening, "I'm sorry... If I made you upset with me, I'm sorry." looking down I blinked as I contemplated what to say in return, with a deep breath I yanked the material over my hips and up to my waist before I started to shove my arms inside, "he's the only family we have here Wednesday, and he's the only one here that would do anything for us. Having him do your bidding without even so much as a thank you..." I sighed deeply pulling the costume on the rest of the way as I finished, "I know you love him, so do I, but instead of putting up a farce even when you're alone, make sure he knows you do. You can't treat him like he's only your lackie."

"I'm sorry, I wasn't thinking about his feelings or yours." She was monotone as she spoke but it was a normal occurrence. I looked over at her finally to see her clothed, walking over I set the cat ears on my head before I grabbed the zipper and with a quick stroke I zipped her up almost in a harsh sense. "Thank you," I grunted as I moved the baby hairs out of the way and strapped the neck piece into a snug fit, the velcro monstrosity attaching nice enough to be finished.

She turned as I backed up before grabbing my bicep and moving me, zipping me up as well. "Done." I nodded and she stood silently as I turned to the side and glanced at her, "are you guys done yet?!" I frowned walking to the tent flaps before striking my arm out and they swished to the side, "OMG, you guys look purr-fect! Only thing, where are your whiskers?" I looked away from the hyperactive wolf as Wednesday spoke, "ask again, and you'll be down to eight lives." Enid shrugged, still smiling happily... Right before a sudden thought occupied her brain and she aggressively grabbed Wednesday and dragged her off, "be right back! Actually meet us at the dock!"

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