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"You directly violated my explicit order and left campus during a lockdown. Not to mention putting your peers and yourself in danger."

"Which is grounds for expulsion. I know. And you have every right to exercise that option, however I do believe it would be a grave error on your part." Weems scoffed in disbelief, "I think contrition might be in order right now, Miss Addams. Not hubris."

"I'll never apologize for trying to uncover a truth." She pulled the ripped out page before walking up the steps to hand it over, Weems snatched it from her hands at the sight of the image, "what is this? It's a warning from Rowan."

"Is this why he tried to kill you?" Her eyes glanced up at her, "his mother drew it before she died, said I was destined to destroy the school. But I think I'm meant to save it, now you know what's at stake, everything you vowed to protect, no less. I think I deserve another chance..." She paused, "please."

"One more infraction... One more step out of line and you will be expelled. No ifs, no buts." Wednesday had the audacity to speak again, not a request but a demand, "Enid and Xavier are spared as well."

"And no more negotiation." She paused, "and your sister," she took a breath to speak of the state of condition bet Wednesday spoke before she could, "my sister can handle herself, she also chooses what she does and I would appreciate it if you discuss your concerns of her disobedience with her and not me."

"You will not cause any more issues Miss Adams or you will be on the first plane out of here, understood?" She received a nod and nothing more as she turned to go back to her office, stopping to add one more line, "and maybe you won't apologize for what you did, but you should learn to do so when you put your peers in danger, including your sister who was hurt in her efforts to protect you from the situation you caused."

"I didn't tell her to do that, like I said she-" she whirled on the younger girl, "whether you did or not, it's your fault that what happened tonight ever occurred in the first place Miss Addams. Your own flesh and blood sits in the infirmary because of those rash decisions you made and you have no remorse for her or your so-called friends."

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