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"Hey you're back? Did you do it?" I nodded, sliding my bed against the floor, pushing it right up against the windows center, "I did... I assume you either have feelings for Lucas or you've forgiven him and his friends for the Raven fiasco?"

"Oh god no, I mean I forgive him, he didn't want to do it but..." I turned, watching as she stuttered trying to explain herself, "why are you here Enid?" She paused, walking forward, "I misplaced my silver moon nail polish, I just wanted to look for it."

"You know you can always room with me and Yoko," I nodded, moving back to the front of the room to grab my nightstand, "I'm aware... But I don't bunk with vampires, they dye the white from their hair too frequently... The smell is atrocious, is it not?"

"I mean yeah but, Wednesday is..."

Moving the wooden table towards my bed, I carry it stiffly while trying to keep from spilling its contents across the wooden flooring, "you forget, i've lived with her my entire life Enid, I can handle it till the end of the year. Besides, I am not allowed to switch rooms as freely as you are due to my circumstances."

"Sorry..." I frowned, "it's quite alright, don't apologize for what's in no way your fault little wolf." She swallowed, nodding before moving closer to me, "thank you... For the mayor. I know you didn't wanna do it because of what they did but I think of Lucas as a friend and-" I interrupted her swiftly, "I did it for you Enid... I don't need thanks for the task of healing a man."

"I'd fix everyone if it would keep you from losing your fur due to stress, so don't thank me," I set the table down, keeping my back towards her as I organized the small table, "Morella."

"What Enid?" I froze, hands wrapping around me as she laid her form into my back, "what are you doing?"

"Hugging you," she squeezed tighter around me, constricting like a boa almost with her werewolf strength, miraculously popping my back and making the tension leave me, "thank you, you didn't have to do it but you did. I'm glad you're my friend... And this way there won't be a sad depressing funeral!"

She pulled from me with a smile, my frown deepening, "I don't understand how it's a good thing to have no funeral, but I'll take your words into account."

The door opened, thick bottomed shoes echoing through the wood as they walked across the flooring. Enid turned at the noise, greeting my sister, "hi. Sorry, I figured you were still in town with Tyler."

"I never went into town." Enid gave a nod, walking away from me as I turned to watch the interaction, "well I can't seem to find my bottle of silver moon nail polish. Do you mind if I look around? Yoko's hosting a mani-pedi party for her crew." Enid moved to her side of the room, opening her drawers slowly as if she wanted attention from my sister, "this is the third time in 24 hours you've forgotten something."

"So, how is everything going?" There it is, Enid moved from the drawers to her desk, "Solitude suits me, with no annoying distractions, I'm almost finished with my novel."

"Was I an annoying distraction?"

"You definitely had some annoying habits." I narrowed my eyes, watching as they both stopped and stood across from each other, a fair distance between them for the time being, "such as?"

Wednesday instantly started snipping away with her observations, "you giggle when you text, which is a 24/7 addiction." Enid had some of her own as well though, "at least it's not a migraine-inducing typewriter hammering into my head."

"When not grinding your canines, you growl in your sleep." My frown had disappeared when Wednesday walked into the room but now it was back, slowly growing on my face, "as opposed to late night cello solos?"

"You over-commit to activities, then complain about them." Enid scoffed, stepping closer, almost at the line of tape splitting the floor, one I'd remove later due to its unevenness and unnecessary existence, "I'd take that over your obsession with all things creepy."

"You could gas an entire village with the amount of perfume you spritz. That's just off the top of my head." Enid was officially upset, becoming angry with my sister, "guess I'm lucky with the new bestie that doesn't try to find ways to endanger literally everybody she comes into contact with. In fact, Yoko and I are so in sync that she's begging me to be her new roomie. Permanently." My eyes narrowed instantly, "don't let me hold you back."

"Enjoy your solitude, Wednesday."

"It's not solitude if you're still here." I watch as the blonde wolf storms from the room, nail polish forgotten as the door slams closed. Wednesday stood still, staring at the place Enid previously occupied as I glowered at her, "you keep going too far sister..."

"I don't need or want your opinion sister," I curled my upper lip in disgust, finishing it for the both of us as I grabbed my bucket of clay and moved onto the balcony, "you'll bear with it whether you'd like to or not, Wednesday."

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