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"Thing?" I stood at the doorway, the door slowly creaking closed behind me. "Sister? Uncle?" Taking a step forward I stopped, the sound of water dripping on metal like a tin roof was the only noise coming from the overturned living area.

Inhaling, I looked around while taking a few more steps, moving farther into the room until I passed the support beam and stood waiting for the dripping sound again. My head whipped to the side at the sound of the drop and my eyes caught a harrowing sight, a shuddering gasp leaving me as I stared wide eyed and stunned.

"Thing?" I rushed forward quickly to rip the knife from him and hold him against my chest as I moved towards the window with only one thought on my mind. My hand holding the knife twirled it till I held the blade in my palm, his blood sticky and viscous as it coated my hand.

With a yank on the latch it opened, the blade digging into my hand as I held it in my grasp, opening the window wide enough to climb out and escape into the night.

My hand heated, bursting with bright hot flames as I jumped up onto the ledge of the balcony in my rush. The blade heated into white hot metal before I tossed it up and grabbed the hilt, cauterizing his wounds as my wings unfurled and I mumbled to myself, repeatedly under my breath. My only course, to get to Uncle Fester and the hive.

As soon as I landed, brushing the ground with a large gust of feather struck wind, uncaring of anything or anyone seeing myself as I burst into a sprint to the hut, "Fester?! Uncle Fester I need you! Please!"

Begging, pleading for him to open up, "Uncle please, let me in....I need you...." My eyes stung, bleeding salted liquid from my waterline as I made it to the door, "Uncle Fester?!" I was distressed, my voice rugged and desperate as I banged on the wood.

I heard the chair move inside, a rush to fling it from the door no doubt before he wrenched it open in his panicked concern, "what is going on-" he paused looking at my face, his gaze flicking down to Thing.

He seemed a lot more calm compared to me, moving me inside quickly and taking him from my arms, "the table." I paced over, swiping over half of the desk over to the left side leaving the random bee stuff to sit on the edge of the table as Uncle Fester placed him down against the wood.

"What happened to him?" I spoke brokenly, my body heating and cooling in distress as if I was on fire and someone kept throwing buckets of water on me, "he was impaled, they left him hanging on the knife."

Restlessly I watched, eyes teared up and dripping unceremoniously as I watched Fester rub his hands together, sparking his fingertips up before tapping them against Things palm, "oh, come on, Thing."

Frozen in place, Fester did the work, shocking him three more times before speaking to me, his voice soft as he looked over at me. "He's gone..." I shook my head fervently, biting my lips till they bled, my body stitching the skin back together just for me to rip into it again with my teeth, "Morella."

My head shook as I breathed through my nose, panting almost, "do it again." He only looked at me as I stared at Thing, "now Uncle, please," I looked over, "do it again." He looked me over, turning back with a determined nod and readying up, shocking and shocking and shocking...

My anger was coming out, mixing with my desperation and my despair until it ignited and my fire sparked, growing from my feet to my legs, my fingers to my elbows as I watched, "come on little buddy, come, on."

A shuddering gasp leaves me as I watch Thing move his fingers, slowly curling his fingers and turning over weakly. "For a minute, we thought you'd picked your last lock, buddy." My heart felt like it ached, pumping in weak beats as I moved closer, my fire diminishing into little embers and puffs of smoke, "who did this?"

Thing stands weakly at Fester's question, fingers tapping before he sinks back onto the table from exhaustion and blood loss, "a dishonorable attack, amateurs." They look at me as my tears dry, "this is her fault... It's always her fault."

"Morella," my lip curls, breathing I begin taking off my cardigan and gently grabbing Thing, "I saw cops searching the forest from my balcony, you should leave while you can Uncle Fester," he nods as I wrap Thing up and hand him over, "all right. I'll lay low here tonight, keep an eye on the patient, and I'll skedaddle in the morning."

Nodding, I turn, "I'll see you when I come home Uncle, possibly, before you leave again..." He doesn't move, "what are you going to do? She is your sister, little niece."  

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