Chapter forty-

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(Y/n)'s POV

That same night, Kylian invited Ale and me to watch a movie at a cinema he had privately rented for the four of us, including his best friend Brice. Another double date, I guess?

As we all sat in one row, I wondered what movie might start at any moment. I wasn't sure what films were currently in cinemas, especially since it's winter, and I hadn't seen any promotions. For me, summer is definitely the best time to watch movies. I hope Kylian didn't pick a romantic movie, since Ale doesn't like Brice at all. A romantic film would be awkward for her, especially with Brice sitting directly to her left, while Ale is seated beside me on my left, and Kylian to my right. Brice had the opportunity to sit next to Kylian but chose to sit next to Ale instead. Maybe he liked her, or maybe he didn't want her to feel lonely. If that's the case, he's a gentleman.

Once the lights in the room began to dim, I realized the movie was about to start. "What movie did you choose?" I whispered in Kylian's ear, cringing a bit at how my voice sounded loud in the silence of the entire room. Good thing it's just the four of us in here.

Without bothering to lower his voice, Kylian responded loudly, "Trust, you're going to love it. It's my favorite."

"Bro shut up! The movie is about to start," Brice yelled at Kylian, and from the corner of my left eye, I noticed Ale slightly flinch at his sudden outburst.

I mean, he did yell pretty loudly. "The movie won't start soon because we haven't seen the trailers yet. You idiot. Have you never been to a movie theater before? There's always ten minutes of previews. And don't ever fucking yell near my ear again!" Now it was Ale who had an outburst.

"I guess. You shouldn't yell near my ear either."

"I yelled only because you did first. Idiot."

"Who invited you, anyway?"

Jesus Christ.

Not wasting any time listening to their argument, I turned away from them, and leaned in closer to Kylian. This was my first time going to the movies with a guy. Even though it wasn't just the two of us, it still counts. I wasn't really in the mood for snacks, but Kylian insisted on having the cinema staff prepare his favorite pizza. Meanwhile, he munched on a container of medium popcorn. The others had their candy and nachos, but I didn't want anything. "Next time, I won't invite them. It'll be just the two of us. I promise. Here, have some popcorn." The smell of buttery popcorn reached my nostrils as Kylian offered me some.

"I'm good," I didn't feel like eating.

"Open your mouth," Kylian gently insisted, extending his hand full of popcorn toward me.

I rolled my eyes a bit but smiled before opening my mouth as he requested. I noticed his eyes twinkling as he placed the pieces of popcorn in my mouth, despite the low lighting in the room. How cute. "Mm-mmm, okay, th-thank you." Mumbling, I struggled to chew the handful of popcorn pieces he had shoved into my mouth, nearly choking. As it became easier to chew the popcorn, I picked up the piece that had fallen onto my lap and shoved it into Kylian's mouth.

"Yummy," Kylian laughed and finished the piece of popcorn I had given him.

"Must be nice."

I heard Ale whisper and felt bad, but now she knows how I felt whenever I had to tag along on her many dates. "Give me a hint, yeah?" I asked Kylian. As I waited for him to give me a hint, he extended his right hand, tucking his middle and ring fingers while keeping his index finger, pinky, and thumb raised. And I knew only one superhero with such an iconic hand pose.

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