Chapter forty-nine

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(Y/n)'s POV

"Why do you keep looking at me like that?"

Ale had been giving me weird smiles on and off for the past few hours. We'd be on our phones and I'd catch her doing it whenever I looked up from my screen. "I just can't believe you got your chichis sucked on. That's all." She raised her eyebrows, smirking.

My face heated up, I should've never told her. Now that's all she's going to mention from now on. "Yes, I know. You've mentioned it like 50 times already. I just don't understand why it's so shocking to you. You've had yours sucked on," Ale had experience with these kinds of things. Oh, the stories she's shared with me.

"That's not the same. It's not surprising when it comes to me, but you?! You're the baby, I can't believe my girl is out here being a freak!" She shouted the last part with her whole chest.

I shushed her immediately, "Ya! Pierre might hear you."

"He's not even here. Don't worry," She reassured me. Then she pulled out an envelope that was right beside her leg. It was a plain white envelope, similar to the ones Pierre had gone through before. "Look what I found!" She waved it in front of me with a smirk.

"No way! How?!" I was shocked.

She passed me the envelope, "He slipped up, just like you said he would." The envelope hasn't been opened yet. The address in the top corner didn't look familiar at all. "While you were getting your chichis sucked, I quickly went to the front desk and asked for the mail before Pierre came back." She finished explaining. I was about to call her out again for mentioning what had happened at Kylian's house but right now, all my focus was on the envelope I was holding.

"No wonder he was in such a rush," It made sense now.

"Open it," She urged.

I slid my thumb under the flap of the envelope and tore it carefully, making sure not to damage whatever was inside. As expected, there was a carefully folded piece of paper inside. "Seriously? That's it?" Ale spoke up as soon as I unfolded the paper, and we both saw 'December 18' written on it.

"18, just like the small piece of paper I found that night when I went to get a glass of water." I said.

Ale sighed, "Yeah and it's the exact same thing that one account texted you. This is so annoying! They're being extra for no reason. Why can't they just say what they want to say instead of being so secretive with the same date over and over?"

My mind immediately went to the message that Instagram account had sent me a while back. "That account did say I should ask Kylian what happened that night. Maybe this person doesn't want to tell us because they want Kylian to be the one to explain."

"Why though? He already said nothing happened that night, other than when we met him." She reminded me.

I thought about it for a second. There was one thing about all of this that creeped me out. "So this person just casually knows where we live?"

Ale's face dropped, "That's so scary. I hadn't thought about that. Okay. Let's think about everyone who knows where we live and our parents don't count."

"Kylian," I went first.

She followed, "Pierre."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22 ⏰

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