Chapter forty-four

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(Y/n)'s POV

"Why do you think Pierre ripped that piece of paper?" Ale asked as soon as we stepped into the hallway leading to the elevator. We managed to sneak out of the apartment without Pierre noticing. It wasn't easy. We had to wait for him to fall asleep on the couch. But with the help of the white noise machine he bought for us a month ago, we managed to use it on him.

It's one in the afternoon now, and we can't afford to waste any time. "I'm not sure, it's so weird how he reacted." I responded.

"Exactly. You're right, I hate it when people hide things from us. It honestly makes me overthink," She expressed her feelings about it. I'm glad I wasn't the only one who overthought it.

I'll push it aside for now, "Did you find any places to spend the entire afternoon and night?"

"Nope." She answered. We waited until the desk employee had their back turned, and as soon as the coast was clear, we quickly crossed the lobby. "Maybe we should go to a club or something. What do you think?" The moment we felt the fresh air on our faces, she asked.

"Ale, we're not going to a club dressed like this. Plus, I have a boyfriend, and since when have you been into the idea of going to a club? Remember that time you snuck into a club with Isabella and her friends from third period during senior year? You were the only one who left after just two minutes because you felt like you were suffocating." It was a memory I could never forget, mainly because I wasn't invited. That night, I found out through Isabella's Snapchat stories, and Ale had no idea Isabella didn't want me around. After that night, Ale stopped being friends with her.

"Gosh, I hated that bitch. But look, i'm tired of being single. I know I act like I don't want to be in a relationship, but deep down, I want a boyfriend. I'm surprised I still haven't managed to win over Nuno, considering how many times I've talked to him while he's working out. I just can't believe it.

Her mention of Nuno reminded me of something I still haven't told her. "I'm sorry, but meeting your future boyfriend at a club isn't exactly the most romantic thing. Oh and I guess we don't have to clean anymore. Kylian told me yesterday, but he didn't really explain why."

"What? You're lying! I thought he wanted to be around you 24/7?" She asked, her voice rising in disbelief.

"I'm not sure, I think it's more of a personal matter. Something to do with the club and all that," I explained. I hated cleaning, but I had to admit it made the days pass more quickly. "I told him I might look for a job since sitting around the apartment all day sounds boring as hell."

Ale let out a soft laugh, "I'm not getting no damn job, good luck with that." I laughed along with her. Like me, she doesn't have a dream job, and has never had a strong work ethic.

"Trust me, Kylian doesn't want me to get one either. He's like, 'You don't even speak French.'" I brought up what Kylian had said to me.

"For once, I actually agree with him." Ale stopped walking when we reached the corner of the street and pulled out her phone, probably to order us an Uber.

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