Chapter 1

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"Yeah, what about it." Denji said in a angry tone, "I like to make a deal with you." The red-head, or Makima as we all know said, "What's the deal lady." Denji said with no respect for her, "I can kill you like a devil, or I can make you my pet." Makima said waiting for his answer. Denji hated this with a passion, he would kill Makima if he could, but the sword and the chainsaws weren't enough to kill a devil like Makima. He would need to gather much more strength from any source, be it a contract with a devil or just normal training. "Ok, just promise me to give me food, and a place to live." Denji grumbled out.

"Good to hear! C'mon let's go into my car." Makima said pleased that he accepted the deal, "Yeah, let's go." Denji said quietly to himself. The car ride was mostly quiet with no one really speaking. The one time that any one would speak is when Makima gave Denji her coat, and heard his stomach growl a bit.

To the udon stand

"Sorry, but you'll have to kill the devil that's nearby here." Makima ordered Denji, "Huh, oh yeah, that guy just said something about his daughter going missing. Sure, I'll take care of it." Denji said quickly getting up and going to the nearby forest to save the girl. "Huh, he didn't even complain about his udon getting soggy." Makima said. Denji just wanted to be as far as he could from Makima even if it was for a few minutes. After a few minutes of traveling through the forest, Denji would come across a little girl and a devil that looked to be made of muscle. "Please don't hurt him! He saved me from my dad!" The little girl vouched for the devil.

Denji knew all to well of what would happen if he fell into the devil's trap, so he summoned the sword that came out of the shadows of the forest. "Ya see this sword." Denji said looking at the devil who made wide eyes after seeing the floating sword, "I wanna make a contract with ya. I'll let ya live in exchange for the girl and me being able to use your powers. What I'll give is a pint of my blood only once though, not every time I use your power got it." Denji said menacingly twirling the floating sword. The Muscle Devil was unsure, but he didn't want to die, so he did what he was asked and gave the girl to Denji. Denji being a man of his word would give the demon some of his blood by cutting his wrist with a sharp rock on the floor. The blood would fall to the ground with the devil crawling it's way to the blood.

"So, this makes our contract a offical, right?" Denji said with the devil nodding his head and crawled off after he drank the blood. "C'mon kid, let's get you to your dad." Denji said while the sword would vanish into the shadows of the trees

Arriving back to the Udon Stand

"Thank you! So much for saving my daughter!" The father said while hugging the girl, "No problem, just keep her safe, alright." Denji said to the father, "I will!" The father said holding hands with his daughter while walking away. "Good job on your first mission Denji." Makima said congratulating Denji's success, "Anyways, we should eat this udon now." Makima added on looking at the udon which surprisingly wasn't soggy this time. "Guess I'm eating good today." Denji said eating the perfectly cooked udon.

To the Devil Hunter HQ

"Welcome to the Tokyo HQ for Public Devil Hunters." Makima announced to Denji to which he wasn't really impressed since he already saw it long ago, "This is the place that you'll be working until the end of your life." Makima said with no regret. "Also here, this is the uniform for Devil Hunters, so it's best to wear it." Makima said giving the clothes to Denji.

Timeskip again

"Well Aki, this will be your new partner." Makima said smiling at the young man who had a weird pony tail. He wore the full Devil Hunter uniform, while Denji would wear it informally.

 He wore the full Devil Hunter uniform, while Denji would wear it informally

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