Chapter 13

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"Which one would you consider yourself to be, the country mouse or the city mouse?" Angel would ask Aki, the two hiding from the rain, "What's up with the random question?" Aki asked, "Just answer it." Angel said, "Well, um, I....I don't know. Maybe the city mouse, but honestly it's been tough as one, so maybe the country mouse. But as the country mouse I wouldn't be able to kill the Gun Devil." Aki ranted on, "Just pick one already." Angel said, a bit irritated. "I just can't, there's too many things that I want to do as the two, but I could only choose one over the other." Aki said, "Then what do you care about more, killing the Gun Devil, or helping your dysfunctional family." Angel asked him, "Dysfunctional family? My family is already died." Aki said, "Denji, Power, and Himeno. The four of you seem to care for each other. Especially Denji, he really does care about you and the others. But if the Gun Devil is all you care about, then go ahead, I don't think anybody's stopping you." Angel told Aki.

" isn't as simple as that, I wanna kill the Gun Devil because he killed my family! I-I just can't start a new one out of the blue!" Aki stuttered a bit, "But you can, people do it everyday, one family dies, and another one shows up to protect you with their lives." Angel argued, "I know, but....MAN! This is really complicated." Aki got frustrated, "Look, all I'm gonna say is that revenge is a fool's game. It'll get you killed before you know it, so just try to be around the others as much as you can." Angel asked Aki to do, "I....sure, I-I'll try my best." Aki said, with that being the last thing said between the two.

Denji & Reze

"Let us forget about the pool thing." Death asked, "Yeahhhhh, I don't think I'll be able to forget that." Denji said, "Also, WHY THE FUCK ARE THE GIRLS MORE SEXIER THAN LAST TIME!!!!" Denji mentally yelled, remembering Himeno, Sawatari, Kobeni, and Reze's "physiques", "Please, let's not do this Denji." Death pleaded, "Ok, ok, just calm down Denji, you'll have to bear with it." Denji took a deep breathe, "Hey! I'm back Denji!" Reze would arrive back after "using the restroom". "Oh, h-hey!" Denji waved at her, "Now that I remember, I wanted to ask you out on this one festival that's coming up really soon." Reze told him, "OF COURSE!! I mean, yes, I would very much like to partake with you in this spectacle." Denji said, with his last two brain cells, "Great! Now let's get out of this place." Reze said, with the rain completely gone, "Yeah, let's go." Denji said, walking away with Reze. The two would get out the school and go to their respective homes.

To Denji

"Ok, guess I'm here." Denji said, infront of the door, opening it to see Himeno, "Himeno? Why are you here?" Denji asked her, "Oh, hey Denji. Aki invited me here to hang out a bit." Himeno had a large smile, showing that she already got a bit drunk, "Umm, that's kinda strange of him to do so." Denji said in disblief, "How come that's strange? Inviting a friend over?" Aki asked, cooking some food. "Let me see, you're a loner, hate people, and you're somewhat of a goth to be honest." Denji listed out, "Damn, didn't have to nail everything in the head." Aki said, defeated. "Ehh, doesn't matter! Let's just have some fun!" Himeno said, taking a large glup of beer, "When is the food ready Top Knot!" Power came out of nowhere, "Where were you?" Denji asked, "In that vile restroom!" Power shouted, "Did....did you flush?!" Denji asked, getting ready for the answer. "As much as I hate it, yes, yes I did!" Power said in spiteful tone.

"Well, c'mon guys, let's eat some food." Aki said, setting the food on the table, "Yeah! Aki's homemade food!" Himeno celebrated, "Yeah, it's always been good." Denji said, "Though I'm still curious, why'd you invite someone over?" Denji asked while eating, "Well, let's just say I got some....advice from someone." Aki said, remembering Angel's talk. "Eh, guess I'll take that." Denji accepted the answer. "Hey Denji come over here for a sec." Himeno would whisper out to Denji, "Mhm, yeah what's up?" Denji asked, "Remember our deal?" Himeno asked him, "Yeah, where I would try to hook you up with Aki." Denji remembered the deal perfectly. "Yeah that one! Think you could help me?" Himeno asked, "Yeah, just give me a sec." Denji said, finishing the rest of his food with haste. "Woah, that was fast!" Aki saw the sheer speed that Denji had eating the food, "Well, it's good, so might as well eat as if it's the end of the world." Denji smiled at him, "oh, ok. Just remember to clean your plate after you're done." Aki told him, not wanting to clean another plate for as long as he could.

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