Part 2: Chapter 4

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"We're home!" Denji said, opening the door to the apartment, "How was it? Your first day of school?" Himeno said, Aki and Kobeni stood behind her, "I'll say that it was decent. Just that I got homework on the first day of school!" Denji complained, "Oof, feel bad for ya, but Kobeni here wants to ask you something."  Himeno said, moving to the side to reveal Kobeni, "What is it that you wanna tell me?" Denji asked, "U-Uh, I-I wanted t-to ask i-if y-you w-wanted to h-hang out w-with me?" Kobeni stuttered out, "Uh, sure, just let me do my homework." Denji said, grabbing the paper, "What I say? I told you he would say yes to you." Himeno whispered to Kobeni, "Yeah, you did. B-But what should I do next?" Kobeni asked her. "What you should do next is just have fun!" Himeno said, "That's all?" Kobeni said.

"Yeah! Look, as much as I wanna help you, you gotta help yourself. I can't tell ya everything because you need to experience everything yourself, without help." Himeno said, "Well, ok, I-I guess." Kobeni said, "Welllllll, there is one thing that I'll give you just in case." Himeno said, reaching into her pocket, "What is it?" Kobeni asked, "You'll know when I give it to you." Himeno said, passing the item to Kobeni, "T-This is a c-c-condom!" Kobeni said, shocked, "Yup! It's better to be safe than sorry!" Himeno said, giving Kobeni a thumbs up. "B-But you said this w-was a friendly date!" Kobeni said. "And it is, but you never know if things go that direction." Himeno said. "I-I......F-Fine, I'll take i-it with me." Kobeni would decide to take it, even if she was embarrassed about the idea of doing the deed.

"How's the homework going?" Aki asked standing next to Denji, "Pretty good!" Denji said, "Mmmm, what is 2 + 2 Denji?" Power asked, stuck on the second question, "What? You're stuck on a simple question like that?" Aki said, "Yes.......what about it?" Power said, giving him a look, "Oh, uhhhhhh, nothing, nothing." Aki said, trying to avoid a fight with Power, "Hold up let me check, the answer's 4." Denji said, looking at the answer that he put. "Thanks!" Power would write it down. While this was going down, Meowy would be staring down Darkness in his little tank, licking his lips while staring at him. "Ribbit?" Darkness said, somewhat scared, "Hey Power, could you tell Meowy to not eat my frog." Denji said, pointing at the two, "Meowy! Don't eat Denji's frog!" Power would stand up from the chair she sat on, grabbing Meowy and carried him away. Meowy would stare into the soul of Darkness, drooling. Wondering how he tasted like.

"RIBBIT, RIBBIT, RIBBIT!!!" Darkness would jump around the tank, scared for his little life, "Mmm, 10 + 2 = 12!" Denji said, answering the final question, "For a guy who hasn't gone to school, you're pretty good at the math bit." Himeno said, walking up to them, "Well, having debt causes you to learn everything you can." Denji said, "Hey! Can I copy off of you?" Power asked,"Sure, I gotta go with Kobeni." Denji would get up, and walk up to Kobeni, "So we doing this then?" Denji asked, "Y-Yeah!" Kobeni said, "Good luck!" Himeno said, waving goodbye. "Huh, where are they going?" Power asked, looking at the two exit the apartment, "Oh yeah! I haven't told you, have I?" Himeno said, "Told me what?" Power asked, "Wellll, Kobeni may or may not have a crush on Denji." Himeno said, "What?!" Power was surprised.

"Yeah! She told me awhile ago when we were partying at my resignation. Now I'm her wing woman, so I told her to get Denji to go on a friendly date!" Himeno explained, "Oh." Power said, quietly, "Is there something wrong Power?" Aki asked, "No, nothing's wrong." Power said, "Oh, ok. Anyways, me and Himeno are gonna go on a date, so take care of the place." Aki said, "Alright." Power said, and so Himeno and Aki left as well. Leaving Power to think even more. "Why is it so quiet?" Power thought, "Probably because nobody else is in here, dummy." Power said to herself. After she finished copying the homework, she would pick Meowy up, and sat herself on the couch. "Hey Meowy, do you know why I feel so empty?" Power asked him, "Meow meow." Meowy said, "Cause Denji's not here?" Power said, getting a nod from Meowy, "Why does everybody think I'm in love with him?" Power said, "Meow?" Meowy asked her.

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