Chapter 22

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"Aw, shit." Denji said, waking up after the dream, "What happened?" Death asked him, "Ugggh, I still feel tired. And the Darkness Devil is after me." Denji said, closing his eyes again, "HOLD IT! You can't just say that, and fall asleep without a care in the world!" Death told him, "But I'm tired." Denji said, but since he knew Death would bug him if he tried to sleep again, so he decided to get up, "But I guess you're right, I should start getting prepared for him." Denji said, "Yes, please do!" Death said, "I'm kinda hungry." Denji said, walking up to the kitchen to see a note saying, "Hey Denji, I'm gonna be at Himeno's place, so don't bother me. Anyways, with care, Aki." "This dude really told me he's getting laid right now." Denji said when he finished reading the note. "Young love, how it brings a tear to my eye." Death said, "Yeah, guess I have to take care of Power for a bit." Denji said, looking at Power who was in the weirdest sleeping position known to man or devil.

"Let me check the fridge." Denji would look through the fridge to find nothing in it, "Crap! What happened to all the food?! Literally got somebody to get it yesterday!" Denji said, pissed that the food was gone, then he would see another note inside of the fridge saying, "P.S, I took all the food cause you and Power deserve to starve for spilling punch on me and Himeno." "THIS FUCKING BASTARD!!" Denji would crumple up the note and throw it away in the trash. "It was just a damn joke!" Denji shouted, not waking up the sleeping devil, "I don't think he liked the joke very much." Death said, stating the obvious, "Guess I'll go for groceries, also why the hell did he put a seperate note in the fridge?" Denji asked, "That's......That's a good question actually, why did he put it in the fridge, and not on the same paper?" Death also asked.

"You know what, it doesn't matter, just need to get some groceries." Denji said, putting his shoes on and walked to the front door, "The hell, there's another note." Denji would grab the note that was taped to the door reading, "Imagine having to go for groceries, HA! Skill issue." "THIS DUDE!" Denji said, annoyed by these damned notes, "He's been holding a bit of a grudge about the prank." Death said, "Let's just go." Denji opened the front door and walked out. He would then head towards the elevator and would press the button, only for it not to do anything. "Why isn't it working?" Denji said, noticing how it wasn't working, then he would see yet another note, "Oh no." Denji was hesitant about reading the note, but he grabbed it any way. The note read, "Yeah, seems like the elevator broke down again, so get to those stairs ASAP." Denji would tear the paper in half, dropping it to the floor. "The stairs it is then." Denji walked down the stairs frustrated on having to walk instead of using the elevator, I mean, who does wanna go down the stairs?

"So, what's the plan?" Death asked him, "The plan......OH! The plan!" Denji completely forgotten to start coming up with a plan, "Just from that I can tell you have forgotten about the plan." Death already figured him out, "No, no, no, I-I got something. First off, the sword is probably gone, so we can't use that anymore. We're gonna need help too from the others." Denji said, "Though I'm not sure if it's a good idea to bring Power since, you know, the trauma she's gotten from him." Denji added. "Well, I think she's capable of fighting her fear of him, I mean, she hasn't been screaming about seeing him every second." Death told him, "Yeah, guess you're right about that." Denji told him, "Anything else that should be in your master plan?" Death asked him, "Well, we should consider how he fights. He stands still because he thinks he's a higher being than us, and also the sword will be a hell of a lot of trouble too. Not only that, he can also make us bleed from looking at us." Denji stated Darkness' abilites.

"And that force thingy he has as well. Let me tell ya, it was quite difficult to near him when he kept shooting force at me." Death added on to the numerous abilites of the devil, "And with that, our chance of surviving is at 1% percent, 1.01% tops." Denji said, "Hey, it's small, but there's a chance." Death said, being the optimist of the duo, this time at least. "Yeah, but you're right, there's a chance. Also we're here." Denji would look at the grocery store infront of him, "What are you gonna get?" Death asked, wondering what items he shall buy, "Meat, and probably some more meat, oh, and a little side of tomato to balance out the meat." Denji said, entering the store, "That a very hearty meal." Death lied, "Yeah! Sounds good!" Denji said, grabbing a basket, and looked around the place. "Now the real question is, what type of meat should I get?" Denji said while looking at the various meats on display, "Maybe fish would do." Death said, "Mmmm, maybe, or I could get beef." Denji eyed the beef, "Denji, at least try to be healthy." Death told him, "OR I could get both!" Denji decided to grab both the beef and the fish.

"And not to forget, the veggies!" Denji said, walking to the aisle of vegetables, "How Power would've hated this." Denji said, "Maybe the carrots could go well with the fish." Death suggested the idea, "Yeah, I think I could do that." Denji grabbed the carrots, "I think that's all I should get." Denji decided to walk up to the cashier to pay for the items, "Hello miss, I would like to pay for these." Denji said to the cashier who looked oddly familier, "Of course I will sir!" The woman said in a cheery tone, "She seems familier, don't know why though." Denji said to himself while looking at the cashier with a hat that covered her eyes. "Here you go sir!" The cashier would give him a plastic bag that was filled with the items that Denji got, "That'll be 3942¥." The cashier said while waiting for him to pay, "Oh, uh, here." Denji would pay her the money that he owed her.

"Well, thank you for coming Denji!" The woman said, surprising Denji, "What how'd you know my name?!" Denji said, shocked and confused, "Oh, Denji, how could you forget me?" The woman would then proceed to take the hat off to reveal that she was........."Reze! What are you doing here?!" Denji was shocked to see her again, "I work here, duh." Reze said, "B-But why'd you come back?!" Denji asked her, "Well..........that's a secret!" Reze said, disappointing him, "What!? You're not gonna tell me." Denji said, "Yup." Reze smiled. "Honestly Denji, I personally wouldn't let that slide." Death told him, "Well, I might not know why you're here, but it was nice seeing ya." Denji said, "Yeah, it was nice seeing you too!" Reze said, waving goodbye, watching Denji leave. "If only you knew I came back for you." Reze said to herself.


"Finally! We're back!" Denji said, happy to return to his home, "Where were you?!" Power said, angry, "Getting groceries." Denji said, "You should've told me!" Power told him while she was petting Meowy, "Jeez, why are you so angry?" Denji asked her, "Because I can, you Lebanon!" Power defended her reasoning of being mad with nothing, "Alright, I guess? Anways, I'm gonna try to cook!" Denji said, turning on the stove, "LET HIM COOK!!" Death said, watching Denji cook shit. Nah, really, it looks really gross. "The end results don't seem........satisfactory." Power said, looking at the blob that was on her plate, "Can't be that bad." Denji said, grabbing a plate for himself, but the plate had another note that read, "Hope ya eat shit Denji. With love, Aki." "This motherfucker is playing with me now." Denji said, throwing the note away, and served himself some food for himself. "Ok, never let this man cook again!" Death said, horrified by the blob that was on the plate.

"Well, let's eat!" Denji would take a bite and chew, but the taste was so bad that Denji and Power spit it back to the plate and ran towards the sink, "NO!! LET ME WASH MY MOUTH FIRST!!!" Power shouted, "NO, I'M GOING FIRST!!!" Denji would push Power with Power doing the same, "FUCK IT! I'LL USE THE BATHROOM SINK!!" Denji ran to the bathroom and used the sink to get rid of the taste of the god aweful food. After he did this he would go back to the living room and sat on the couch, processing his actions, "That was terrible, never should I cook again." Denji said to himself, "Um, just need more practice." Death said, "Hey Power! Want some pizza?!" Denji asked her, "HELL YEAH!!" Power said, happy to hear pizza, "It's about to be pizza time." Denji would call them, and would ask for pepperoni pizza.

Yayyyy!!! We got see Reze again!!!! Though it was brief. And he lost the sword, nooooooooo!!!!!!!!

Also, I got a question for y'all, one that isn't related to the story at all. Would y'all like to hear my playlist in Spotify? I know it's little weird to ask but I still wanted to ask. And of y'all do then I'll put the link in my message board right after this.

Anyways, hoped you enjoyed!!!!!!!!!!

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