Chapter 19

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Kobeni is dripped out guys! Like SHEEEEEEEEEESH!!!!!!___________________________________________________

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Kobeni is dripped out guys! Like SHEEEEEEEEEESH!!!!!!

"Ok, ok, just stay calm and you'll be ok." Denji said to himself while him and Power were in the shower, "It's cold Denji!" Power told him while getting closer to him to get some of his warmth, "It is not that cold!" Denji told her, "Just stay still, so that I can wash your hair." Denji would put conditioner on her, and washed it off with the shower head. "Ok, now I'm gonna put some shampoo on your hair, so close your eyes till I tell you to open them." Denji told her, "I c-can see h-him Denji!" Power shouted when she closed her eyes, "He's not......he's not here okay?" Denji would sigh. "Okay, open your eyes." Denji told her when he finished washing her hair.

"Now we enter the bathtub." Denji would enter first with Power entering second, sitting between his legs, "Power stop moving around so much please?" Denji told her because of how much she would fidget around, "I-it's just I feel bad for making you do this for me. A-And I don't want y-you to hate me." Power told him, "Power, I can never hate you, sure you're annoying 90 percent of the time, but even so, I can never make myself hate you at all." Denji said to her, "A-Are you sure?" Power asked him, "Yes, I'm very sure." Denji said, "This is the strangest event that I've ever seen other than the Reze thing." Death said, watching the two showering together, "Death, don't make this weirder than it already is." Denji told him.

After a few more minutes, the two would get out of the bathtub, "Well, can ya at least put your own clothes on!" Denji said, "N-No, cause I rather have you do it for me." Power told him, "Why?" Denji would ask her, "Cause, I-I said so." Power said, not elaborating any further, "Ok then." Denji didn't ask any further, "Alright, I think this suits ya good for the party." Denji said, proud of the clothes he chose to put on Power.

" Denji said, proud of the clothes he chose to put on Power

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Ignore the bloody hand

"Not bad Denji, she's looks good." Death said, giving a thumbs up, "Thanks, I surprise myself sometimes." Denji said, "Well, what do you think Power?" Denji would ask her, "I-I like it!" Power would hug him, showing how grateful she was. "That's good to hear. Now, we brush our teeth." Denji would grab a toothbrush and some toothpaste, covering the toothbrush with some toothpaste. Then he would start cleaning his teeth. "Ughhh, this is too spicy!" Power said, "Eh, you get use to it after awhile." Denji said, continuing his brushing. "Now my mouth tastes minty!" Power said, spitting out the left over toothpaste in her mouth, "Yeah it does, doesn't it." Denji agreed.

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