Chapter 6

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Just to give y'all a fair warning, there will some "questionable"stuff in the beginning. But there will be no deeds being done, so don't worry. For those that wish to skip it, I will be putting where it ends in bold letters. _________________________________________________
"Huh, HUHHHHHHHH!" Denji said surprised by her "size" this time around.

 _________________________________________________"Huh, HUHHHHHHHH!" Denji said surprised by her "size" this time around

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"D-Do w-what?" Denji stuttered out, "Sex." Himeno said getting closer to Denji, "I-I-I don't t-think t-that's a g-good idea." Denji expressed his worry, "C'mon, it'll feel good." Himeno said in a seductive voice sitting in his lap, "Uhhhh, I-I'm too y-young." Denji said holding himself together. "You're just a year shy, does it really matter?" Himeno asked rubbing her bosom on Denji, making him blush, "Yes! S-Sober you w-would k-know it m-matters." Denji said, having a HARD time keeping it down. His heart started to beat faster and harder, with his breathing speeding up, "But, I'm not sober." Himeno made Denji lay down on her bed with her on top of him. She would then kiss him, passionately. Denji could feel her tongue touching his, making circles in his mouth, and the taste of beer appeared as well. After she kissed him, a trail of saliva appeared connecting from each others mouths.

"S-Stop, w-we can't do t-this!" Denji started to lightly push Himeno off of him, "Your little buddy is saying a different story." Himeno said with a seductive smile, rubbing it with her bottom on his ever growing member.

Scene over!!!!!!! That's as far as I'll go for something like this.

"Nope! That's enough!" Denji said pushing her with full force, "Ahhh, why not." Himeno said laying on the bed after being pushed, "B-Because it would be illegal, a-and you w-wouldn't w-want to be a-arrested." Denji stated, worried about her. Though she said nothing, little snores could be heard coming from Himeno. "Oh thank god! I was starting to think of actually doing it." Denji said to himself, thankful for stopping his temptation before it got bad. He would see a clock next to her bed, seeing that it was way passed 2 in the morning, "It's too late to go walking home." Denji said in his head, "I'll just sleep on the floor." Denji said, taking a pillow and a blanket. "One day I'll do it, but it'll be someone I like, not someone I know nothing about. Sure, maybe that person I know nothing about is beautiful, but it'll more than likely be a one time thing. I want somebody to care for and be able to do it with, and love one another. Sometimes wonder why I thought doing it would make me happy, when it only makes you happy for such a short time. Like when I wanted to touch some boobs, and when I did, I didn't feel happy, just disappointed. But this goal will definitely make me feel happy, I will let everyone live, and be happy with each other. Right Pochita?" Denji said, holding the cord, asking his dog Pochita. "Woof." A small bark was heard, though it could've been his imagenation or a stray barking at a cat, "Yeah, goodnight Pochita." Denji would then be consumed by the darkness that is sleep

When he woke up

"Hey Denji! Hellooooooo! Wake Up!" Himeno shouted out, waking up Denji, "Huh, oh, Himeno what's up?" Denji said with a yawn, "Wanna have some breakfast?" Himeno offered him, "Sure, breakfast sounds good." Denji gave her a small smile. The two could be seen eating in a balcony, "This is pretty good." Denji said eating the food Himeno made, "Thanks, but I wanna ask, did I do anything while I was drunk?" Himeno asked him, "Ummmm, no, no you didn't." Denji said with a awakard smile, "Oh, I did do something!" Himeno said seeing right through his lie. "Um, yeah, yeah you did." Denji said quietly, "Did I force myself on you." Himeno asked worried, "Um, almost, but I stopped you before anything happened." Denji told her with her exhaling in relief. "Oh thank god! I would've been arrested if I did!" Himeno said in relief of nothing happening. "I'm sorry, drunk me just can't control herself." Himeno apologized, with a small blush of embarrassment, "It's fine, let's just forgive and forget." Denji said, wishing to not remember.

"Sooooo, what else do you wanna talk about?" Denji asked, "Mmmmm, don't know." Himeno said, thinking of a topic to talk about, "Oh! Do you like anybody?" Himeno asked, "No, at least not yet." Denji said, going at another slice of pancake, "Wellllll, I like Aki!" Himeno said with a large smile, "Oh, well, you don't really hide it well." Denji said, already knowing. "Wait! You knew?!" Himeno said, surprised that Denji, of all people figured her out, "Yeah, I see the way you look at him. I mean, he's a good guy when you get to know him. And I guess he's handsome, but meh, what do I know." Denji said, "Man, I really am bad at hiding it. Eh, whateves." Himeno said eating a slice of pancake as well. After swallowing the pancake, Himeno would get a amazing idea, "Hey! What if you can get me with Aki, since you know, you live with him!" Himeno said with a large smile, "Sure I can do that for ya." Denji told her. "YES! Then it's a deal! Oh, wait, what should I give you if we do get together?" Himeno asked, thinking of ideas for rewards, "Don't ya worry, the only thing I want from you is to be happy with him, once y'all are a thing." Denji said with a soft smile.

"You sure, cause when you leave, I ain't gonna give ya anything if you do your side of the deal." Himeno said, giving Denji a last chance to choose what he wants, "As I said, what I want is for the two of you to be happy. That's all that I want from you." Denji said, before eating the rest of pancake, "Well, if that's what you want. Let's shake on it then." Himeno put her hand out for a handshake, which Denji shakes, "Well, we can say that this is a bit of a contract." Denji said, "Yeah, a little." Himeno said with a smile, happy that Denji will help her with Aki. "Let's just hope that I can save you, so that I can fulfill this deal." Denji said in his head, worried about the dangerous event ahead of them.


"So, did the two of you really not have intercourse with one another?" Power asked, curious, "No, Denji is quite the gentleman." Himeno said eating, "Don't know how y'all can eat this." A man sitting next to them said, "And why the hell should we care what you think?" Denji said, knowing the man infront them, "Yeah! What he said!" Power added, "I mean, I guess you can't help it since you lived terribly for so long." The man added, "Hey, when I say go, I want you to flip the table over." Denji whispered to Aki, "What, why?" Aki whispered back hearing the man rant about his grandfather, "Just trust me." Denji said, "You loved him too, Denji." The man would pull out a picture of a familier yakuza, that being the old man that gave Denji the debt at the beginning of all of this. The man would go into his coat once more, "GO!!!" Denji yelled, with Aki flipping the table over.

The man would pull out the gun and start firing at them, with all of them behind the table, except for Power. She ran and punched the gun off his hands."TOP KNOT!!" Power yelled, with Aki saying, "KON!!" A devil that looked like a fox appeared, and ate the man.

"TOP KNOT!!" Power yelled, with Aki saying, "KON!!" A devil that looked like a fox appeared, and ate the man

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"Aki Hayakawa, you put something monstrous in my mouth." The Fox Devil said, with it exploding into blood the next second to see another devil come out of it, that being the infamous KATANA MAN!!!

" The Fox Devil said, with it exploding into blood the next second to see another devil come out of it, that being the infamous KATANA MAN!!!

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Here's where things get juicy!!!

Anyways, don't got much to say, so hoped you enjoyed!

I do not own any pictures that I used or will use in the future of the story. They belong to their respective owners.

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