Chapter 17

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"Seems like Santa Claus is finally here." Makima would walk through a hallway filled with corpses, "I'll keep cleaning here, Beam, you go help Denji, Prinz, if Denji gets into any trouble, get him out of there quickly." Makima asked Beam and the Spider Devil, "YES MA'AM!!" Beam answered her. "Leave it to me Miss Makima." Prinz, or the Spider Devil said with the two leaving Makima to do what they were told. "So many deaths, and for what? Just for the sake of it?" Makima asked herself, looking at the countless corpses of the people that were turned into dolls, "This is why I need to kill him, my older brother." Makima said, with us going to Denji and friends location.

"Hey, y'all want to get lunch from over here?" Himeno asked, pointing at a small convinece store, "Sure, I'm down." Denji said, following Himeno into the store, "Ok, here they come." Denji mentally said, "Who's coming?" Death asked, "Santa Claus' little elves." Denji and the rest would enter the convinence store with the dolls following behind them, "Once they're inside, take them out." A old man ordered them from afar. Once they were inside, dolls would turn their arms into long, sharp blades, and ran in there. Kusakabe would be infront of the doors, and turned the dolls into stone. "Be careful, the Stone Devil doesn't care who's the target and who isn't." Kusakabe told the rest, "Also, don't let the dolls touch you or even your clothes, unless you wanna be like them." Yoshida warned, "Sheesh! They sure look scary!" Himeno said, looking at the dolls faces.

"How'd you know they were following us?" Angel asked them, "Well, their footsteps were too....stiff to say the least." Tamaki said, "There should a limit on how many can be controlled." Aki said, "Hell nah! Not for this fucking dude, just look!" Denji shouted, pointing at the glass doors, showing dozens of dolls, "HOLY SHIT!! EVERYBODY UPSTAIRS!! THERE'S TOO FUCKING MANY OF THEM!!!" Kusakabe yelled to the rest following him, "HURRY IT UP!! YOU DAMN SNAILS!!!" Power yelled, being at the very bottom, "THEY GOT ME!!!" Power shouted right after, "NOT ON MY FUCKING WATCH!!!" Denji would increase his muscle mass in his leg, kicking the doll's head completely off, "H-HOW DIDN'T I TURN!?" Power asked, "MAYBE BECAUSE YOU'RE A FIEND!!" Kusakabe said, "HUZZAHH! I AM IMMUNE TO THESE DOLLS!!" Power celebrated a tad bit. "POWER!! NOT THE FUCKING TIME TO CELEBRATE!!" Denji would grab her hand, forcing her to keep climbing up the stairs.

"NAKAMURA, DO IT!!" Tamaki yelled while a man would appear outta nowhere, yelling, "KON!!" With the Fox Devil's claw appearing, swiping the rest of the dolls with the sharp nails, killing them. "That was a close one, huh." The man said, "Who's this dude?" Himeno asked Tamaki, "We had different Devil Hunter's nearby our patrols the past few days, so that we could finally kill Santa Claus." Tamaki told them, "Well, shit, who's Santa Claus?" Himeno asked clueless, "Santa Claus, is a assasin that's coming for Denji, like many others are." Tamaki would answer, "HOLY CRAP!! THERE'S A WHOLE ARMY OF DOLLS!!" Power would look through a window to see even more dolls. "MORE INCOMING! KON!!" The man shouted again, only this time the dolls would jump over the claw, "OH HELL NAH, THEY'RE LEARNING!!!" Himeno said, "I'll do it!" Angel said, "Usage: 5 years!" A sword would appear in Angel's hand, then he would cut the dolls head off with the sword in one single swing. Angel would sigh, having to use his power.

"Hey, you good?" Aki asked him, "No, doesn't matter, let's focus on this." Angel said, "Should I use the sword? Wait, no, Quanxi would cut everybody's head off before she gets here." Denji said in his head, "Who's Quanxi?" Death asked him, "She's from China, and has a whole harem of fiends that help her out. She's gonna be here in 3, 2, 1." Denji said, then a woman would appear, "DEFEND!!" The man said before his head fell to the floor. Then Aki and Angel would use their swords to block the attack that the woman threw at them. Aki and Angel would fall to the floor with the woman standing still, having two sword handles in her hands with the blades completely destoryed. "THERE SHE IS!!" Denji yelled, "DUCK DOWN!!" Death would yell with Denji doing just that.

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