Chapter 16

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"Well, that was the best shit I had in awhile!" Denji would come out of the restroom, streching his arms, "Now, who wants to get some food!" Denji told the group while rubbing his stomach, "What!? You just used the restroom, and you're asking to get some food!?" Kusakabe said, "That just means that I made more space for my stomach idiot." Denji told him, "I don't think he'll recover Denji." Himeno said, holding in the laughter, "Come on humans we must go and feast!" Power said, while leading the way, "Umm, the nearest fast-food restaurant is this way Power." Aki told her, "O-Of course! I knew that, I just w-wanted to test your sense of direction Topknot!" Power said nervously. "She's quite prideful, even for a devil." Death said, looking at Power, "Okkkkk, sureee." Aki said, knowing Power very well. The rest would head out towards the direction of the restaurant.

To the restaurant

"Hey! this is pretty good!" Himeno said, taking a bite out of a burger, "Uggghhh, vegetables! Denji, here you can have them!" Power removed the tomatoes and lettuce from the burger. "Fine, just hand them over." Denji told her, with her passing it until, "Now, a person must eat their veggies to be healthy and to be on tip-top shape, so eat them." Kusakabe said, pushing the vegetables back towards Power. "But I don't wanna eat them!" Power whined, "Have ya ever even tried them before?" Himeno asked her, "W-Well, n-no, but I still hate them!" Power shouted, "What are we gonna do with you." Aki said, disappointed. A woman would past by them, she wore a wool sweater, and had long dark hair with green eyes.

 A woman would past by them, she wore a wool sweater, and had long dark hair with green eyes

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"It's her again." Denji said in his head, "Who is she?" Death asked him, "Someone that's gonna be a real ass." Denji said, staring at her until she got to her table, "So she'll be a problem to the rest of us then?" Death would ask once more, "Yeah, she has a contract with the Doll Devil, turning anything into a doll that she can control to her will, or something like that. Also she sent us to fucking hell!! That's how I met the Darkness Devil for the first time." Denji told Death, "Woah, she must be quite powerful if she did." Death said, "Yeah, she is." Denji agreed. "Hey Denji." A familier voice said, "Oh, Kobeni, you're here too?" Denji saw Kobeni standing next to their table, "Who's this?" Kusakabe asked, "She's a friend of ours, a former Devil Hunter too." Himeno said, "It's very nice yo meet you Miss Kobeni." Kusakabe said, "N-No need to be so formal." Kobeni told him.

"Can ask why you're here?" Aki asked, "W-Well, I was here for ice cream since I-I had enough money. Then I saw you guys, and wanted to say hello." Kobeni told them, "You still haven't ordered yet?" Denji asked her, "N-No not yet." Kobeni told him, "I can pay for it, if you want." Denji said, "No, you don't have to." Kobeni said, declining the offer, "Nah, really I wanna pay for it. And anyways I wanna tell ya sorry, with the Tanaka and Sawatari thing last time we met." Denji said, wanting to say sorry to her, "No, that was my fault, I-I shouldn't of overreacted so much." Kobeni said, "C'mon! That was all on me! Just...just let me pay for it, I don't wanna have a friend pay for something that they can barely pay for." Denji told her. "Alright, y-you can pay for it if you want." Kobeni gave in to his offer. "Alright! Let's go order then." Denji and Kobeni would walk together to the cashier.

"They're really adorable together aren't they." Himeno said, watching the two ordering, "Yeah, they kinda are." Aki smiled a bit while watching the two, "Meh, could care less." Power said, while staring at them, grabbing their ice creams, "You sure about that Power? Cause I don't think you'll be staring so intently. Are you....jealous?" Himeno said, with a smug face, "WHAT!? I, POWER, DO NOT FEEL JEALOUS OF ANY HUMAN AT ALL!" Power yelled out, "Calm down, there's no need to yell." Angel said, "Woah! Where did you come from!" Power said, noticing how quiet he was, "I was standing here the whole time." Angel said, in a much more calmer voice. "Hey this ice cream thing is pretty good!" Denji said, taking a lick of ice cream, "Right! The first time that I got ice cream, I thought it was the most delicious thing in the world. I would run around too, then I would drop it to the floor." Kobeni said, a large smile forming as well, "Ya know, you should smile more, it suits ya." Denji her, "Uh, h-how come?" Kobeni asked, curious, "Cause your smile is really cute." Denji told her, liking her smile.

"Oh, uh, t-thank you." Kobeni would blush at the compliment, "I mean, there's no reason to say thank you when it's true." Denji told her, "O-Ok, but, um, is this your first time trying ice cream? Since you know, you said that it taste's good." Kobeni asked him, "Yeah, and I gotta say, I'm not disappointed." Denji said, finishing the ice cream. "Hey Denji! We gotta go!" Aki shouted to Denji, "Oh shit, hey, I gotta go, see ya next time, or whenever you call me!" Denji told her while jogging towards the group, "Y-Yeah! See you later." Kobeni said with a smile waving goodbye to him, "I think I'm starting to fall for him." Kobeni said, having her heart beat faster whenever he's around.


"It seems that you've rizzed Kobeni up earlier." Death told him, "I don't know what that exactly means, but sure, I did rizz her up." Denji said, not even knowing the definition of the word, "Ughhhhh, the humans made us work so much." Power said, putting her head on Denji's shoulder, "Yeah, sadly they're using us as bait." Denji told her, "Yeah, it's sad but it's true. We're using the two of you as bait, really, really wish we didn't though." Aki would walk up to them to express how much he didn't want to do this to them. "In Saw Guy, Saw Guy would eat Dakida after he killed him, it was really dark, but funny at least." Power told Denji, "Really, that's....well, dark." Denji said, "That book still scares me." Death said, "Yeah, something always feels off when it gets mentioned." Denji agreed once more.

The next day

"Hey! Guys over here!" Violence would shout out to Denji's group while waving his arm. He was also with Tanaka and Sawatari, Michiko and Yutaro too, "Hi guys, how've y'all been?" Aki asked, "Well, got a broken arm, but I'll live." Michiko would point at her arm that was in a cast, "Well, a tough lady like yourself shouldn't have to worry much about a broken arm." Denji said, "Awww, thanks blondie, you yourself are pretty tough too." Michiko thanked him, "So what happened to the two of y'all?" Aki asked, "From what Yutaro told us they were ambused by some assassins from America." Tanaka said, "Yeah, they got us good." Yutaro said. "Oooooo, who's car is this!" Power said, noticing the car behind them, "That's my car, why do you ask?" Sawatari said, "Because I've been tired of walking, and I will be taking your ride!" Power would get in the car.

"Hey! Hey! Who said you can get in my ride!?" Sawatari would get angry at Power, "Mm, this isn't your's, this is mine!" Power said, grabbing the steering wheel, "Lots of people are looking for ya Denji." Michiko told him, "Yeah, they all have been trying to get me cause of the damn news." Denji said, the car would turn on, but they wouldn't really care, well, except Denji. "Hey! Stop the car!" Denji shouted, "Calm down, human! I won't crash into anybody!" Power would press the acceleration pedal and go towards Denji and Michiko, "OH SHIT!! WATCH OUT!!" Denji would push Michiko out of the way while the car would go through him because of Beam's contract. The car wouldn't be as well off like Michiko and Denji were, cause it would crash into a nearby lightpost, "Ahh, AHHHHH!!" Sawatari and Power yelled right after the crash, "WHAT THE FUCK!! WHAT DID YOU DO!!!" Sawatari yelled at Power, "I-I didn't do that! T-This is your car, not mine, so it is your fault!" Power said, lying to Sawatari's face.

Well, rip Sawatari's car and KOBENI IS IN LOVE!!!?

Shoutout to @NihilisticMelon for getting my follower number to 69!!!!!! Hehehe, funny number.

Anyways, hoped you enjoyed!!!!!!!

Don't own any pictures!!!!!!

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