Part 2: Chapter 5

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Oh boy, I've been gone for awhile haven't I? Anyways, I just decided to take a break, so yeah. Anyways enjoy!

"Well, I guess that this is it." Kobeni told Denji, "Yeah, I had fun though." Denji said, "Me too." Kobeni told him, walking towards the front doors of the mall, "Hey what's that?" Denji said, looking to the left, "What's what?" Kobeni asked, "You stay here for sec, I'll be back in a few." Denji would walk up to a store, leaving Kobeni behind, "Okay! Well, um, I'll stay here, alone." Kobeni said. "So, what did you find?" Death asked Denji, "This store, it has that dude from the manga. Y'know, Saw Guy?" Denji said, this time he was infront of the store, seeing several posters that were placed on the windows of the shop. "Ah, that, something about the manga feels very strange." Death said, "Yeah, that's why I wanna check it out before we leave." Denji told him.

"Well then, let's not keep Kobeni waiting for too long." Death said, with Denji entering the store, "What're ya buying?" The cashier asked, "Uhhhh, where's your collection of Saw Guy at? Asking cause of all the posters out there." Denji said to the man, "It's over in that corner." The man pointed at the spot, "Thanks." Denji told him before he walked away, "I'll just grab a random one." Denji would one of the several manga in the shelf, "Time to read!" Death said, excited, "Yup." Denji would start to read it, coming across several key points in the story that were almost, if not, exactly the same as the events that already happened to him in his first life. "The fuck?" Denji said, surprised from all the similarites. "Who's making all of these?" Death asked, with Denji turning to the cover of the manga reading, "Future D." "Future D.? The hell type of name is that?" Denji said.

"Don't know, but there's something extremely suspicious about that name. Almost as if it was right under our noses." Death said, "Death, you don't got a nose." Denji told him, "It was just a simile." Death said, "But we should go, we'll figure out who's making this later." Death then added, "Yeah, don't wanna have Kobeni accidently causing trouble." Denji said before walking out of the store. "See ya kid." The cashier said, "Hey Kobeni!" Denji would walk towards the sitting Kobeni, "Oh, hey Denji, are you done with whatever it was that you wanted to check out?" Kobeni asked him, "Yeah, just about." Denji answered her question. "Alright, this time we're going." Kobeni said, walking along with Denji, exiting the mall.


"Well, my place is over there, so let me take these." Kobeni said, "You sure? I can just go with you if you'll like?" Denji asked her, "No, no, I'm ok, I can carry them." Kobeni said while having Denji pass over the, "Okay, just making sure. Well, I gotta go before it gets too late, so see ya later." Denji said, "Yeah, see you next time Denji." Kobeni said, while Denji walked away. "Future D. who could that be?" Denji thought to himself, "Don't know, there isn't much to go off of to actually get a name of sorts." Death said, "It's definitely a nickname of sorts, but my brain cells aren't gonna be able to handle all this thinking today. So I'll continue thinking tomorrow." Denji said, walking towards the apartment complex.

To Power

"Uggggggh, I'm bored!" Power said, sitting on the couch, "And there isn't anything good on this stinkin' T.V!" Power said while going through the channels, "Meow." Meowy said to her, "Yes, I'm trying to ignore my feelings for Denji by watching T.V. Who's gonna stop me from doing so?" Power asked the feline, "Meow." Meowy would then kick the controller out of Power's hands, "Hey! I was using that!" She yelled at the cat, then a few knocks on the door could be heard. "Is it Denji?" Power asked herself, "Meow." Meowy told her, "Well, could you open it to check who it is?" Power asked this time. "Meow??????" Meowy asked her, "What? Can you not open the door yourself?" Power said, "Meow." Meowy told her, "Truly patheic." Power shook her head as a sign of disappointment.

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