Chapter 10

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"Hey you, You got anything to clean my shoes?" The angel said to the person infront of him, "Yeah, here." Aki said giving him a handkerchief, "Surprising that you decided to get close to me since I can take your lifespan away from a touch." Angel told Aki, "Well, the handkerchief was in the way, so I thought it would be fine." Aki said, giving Angel some sound logic. A man armed with a gun would come up behind them, firing at Aki. "I got it." Angel said, covering Aki with one of his angelic wings, with the bullet doing zero damage to Aki or him. "Ow, that kinda hurts." Angel said in the most relaxed why possible. Aki would then run towards the attacker and slash him with his brand new spanking sword that Angel made for him before this mission. "Take him outside." Aki told Angel right after the small fight, and walked up a flight of stairs. "Man, he's ordering me. Eh, guess it's better than fighting." Angel said, grabbing the man by the legs and dragged him outside.

After a while Aki would meet with Sawatari, the girl that almost killed them all. "Just surrender, it's easier." Aki said to Sawatari, "Yeah sure, don't got much on me as of now." Sawatari said, not having the Ghost Devil on her side like last time. "Huh, really?" Aki said, a bit surprised that she didn't want to fight, "Wait Himeno, she said she surrendered." Aki said, seeing Himeno appear out of nowhere, "What! Why not! I'm so close too!" Himeno said in a whining tone.

To Denji

"What is this mechanism?" Death asked Denji, "It's a elevator, it let's us go to any floor by simply pushing a button." Denji answered, "How fascinating. To think humans were just discovering the wheel not so long ago." Death said with amazement, "Also, WHAT THE HELL!!!" Denji yelled in disgust of what Power was eating, "What? Meat is meat." Power said, gobbling the hand of a zombie, "That is just gross!" Denji said, grossed out by the sight. Then the elevator would stop, with the doors opening, showing a horde of zombies staring directly at them. "I always hated these creatures. They destory the very idea of dying. Dying should be the last breathe you take, a peaceful bliss that you take once your life has come to a end, not this. Not turning into a corpse that walks and eats the living." Death said, genuinely hating the very idea of zombies, "Yeah, they're annoying." Denji said in his head, "Power don't do anything dumb." Denji said in a quiet voice.

"MY NAME IS POWER!!! FEAR ME FOUL CREATURES!!!" Power would yell to the top of her lungs, then she would charge toward the horde, "FOLLOW ME DENJI!!! HELP ME KILL THESE CREATURES!!!" Power asked Denji, who stood in the elevator, which then closed after a few seconds, "Um, she's certainly.....special." Death said, trying to not sound rude. "Yeah, but I care for her, and she cares for me." Denji said to Death, "I wish that I were close with my own family. They're always doing something that involves taking over the world one way or another. Never saw how they could benefit from it, but I let them, cause I care for them too much to stop their dreams. They may not care for me, but that's ok, I want them to be happy in this dreadful world." Death said, with a bit of a sad tone, "Yeah, I know the feeling." Denji said, remembering everything that has happened to Aki, Him, and Power.

The elevator would stop, with the doors opening showing two men aiming at Denji, and The guy who was nicked named Katana Man, "Hold on we intend to surrender depending on your answer." He said, with his arms up, "You killed our friends and family, we want a apology, Denji." He said, "Look, before I give you my answer, can I know what your name is! Like damn! I can't keep saying "The Man" in my head every time I see you!" Denji said, irritated on the damned name, "My name is Tanaka, now for your answer." Tanaka asked once more. "The answer is, sorry, but I won't just give you that. You decided to make me your enemy not the other way around, I just did what any logical dude should do in my situation! They were zombies mind you! Anyways your gramps gave me this shitty debt too! YOUR GRAMPS SHOULD BE THE ONE APOLOGIZING!!" Denji shouted at Tanaka.

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