Chapter 12

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"Hey! It looks like the rain stopped." Reze said, "Y-Yeah it s-sure d-did." Denji was just a bundle of nerves, "Denji, try to keep it together." Death told the nervous boy, "As another way of saying thanks I'll give you a treat at the place I work at." Reze told him, pointing at the direction, "Oh, uh, y-yeah, I'll b-be there." Denji said, in a stuttering mess. "Ok then, you better be there!" Reze said, walking towards the place she works at, "Denji, what happened there?" Death asked, confused to what happened with the boy, "I'm in love with her." Denji said, with no hesitation, "In love?! But you just met her not even five minutes ago!" Death said, surprised at the twist.

"Remeber how I told you Makima killed me before." Denji asked, "Well, yes, it was before I stopped talking." Death remebered what happened, "Yeah, well, when she killed me I met somebody." Denji said, "And who is this somebody?" Death would ask him, "That somebody would be the Darkness Devil." Denji said, making sure to say it's name in his head, "Darkness? What would he want from you?" Death would get more invested in the story. "He made a contract with me, that I will kill Makima, and in return he would let me borrow his sword, and revive me back in time, so that I could kill her in my next life." Denji said, "Why would he want to kill her in the first place?!" Death was getting confused, "Cause in the future she'll injure the guy, which made him angry causing him to make a contract with me right after I died." Denji summarized, "So that's how you already met with this Reze girl." Death said, understanding the situation, "Yup" It was the only thing Denji said after Death understood. "Ooooh boy, that's quite the journey, isn't it?" Death would say, "Yeah, wait, I'm already here!" Denji said after seeing the door to Reze's job. "It seems that you subconsciously walked here." Death would say.

"Well, it wouldn't hurt, right?" Denji told himself, he would enter the small cafe shop, and would sit down. After a few minutes Reze would enter and put on a apron, "You're late, you know that, right?" The owner of the place told Reze, "Yup, I can see the clock." Reze said, "Remeber, I don't pay for the hours you missed." The boss would remind her, "Cheapstake!" Reze insulted him, "Anyways, here, water for table 4." The owner would give a glass of water to her so that she could give it to the customer. Then she would turn and see Denji, the only other person there, "Hey! Did you get here before me?" Reze asked, "Um, m-maybe." Denji suttered. "Hey sir! Two coffees for me and him!" Reze would sit down next to Denji, "You're supposed to be working!" The boss told her, "Oh c'mon! There's nobody else in here." Reze said, making the boss sigh.

"The coffee is on me." Reze told Denji, "Oh, well, thanks." Denji said, taking a sip right after, "Ughhhh, still can't believe people like this shit." Denji said, disgusted with the coffee, "Hahaha! Then why did you drink it?!" Reze would laugh and grab his shoulder, making his face red, "I've never met someone as interesting as you Denji." Reze told him after she stopped laughing, "Uh, um, t-thanks." Even though Denji knew her goal he couldn't help but blush from every little thing she did. "I heard this word before, I think it was rizz, and if it is, then she is rizzing you up Denji." Death told the blushing boy, "Please, you aren't helping." Denji said in his head, thinking of only Reze.

A week later

"You know, I don't think this place has the greatest food to be coming back for a week straight." Reze told him, "I think the food is good." Denji lied, "My food is delicious!" The boss added, "Then the two of you have zero taste." Reze would stick her tongue out at the boss, "Pardon me, but why don't you sit next to me?" Reze asked Denji, "Oh, um, well, y-you got the w-whole studying thing to d-do. And on top of that y-you gotta w-work." Denji said, stuttering everything out, "You don't go to school, right?" Reze asked, "Well, n-no since I gotta deal with devils every day." Denji answered. "Oh! Then you should study with me as a improvised school!" Reze suggested, "I guess it would be nice to read more K-Kanji." Denji said, "Ok then! What does this say?" Reze asked, pointing at a Kanji in her journal, "That says balls! You're a prev you know that!" Denji told the preverted girl, "So you can read Kanji." Reze said, "I said I would like to learn more Kanji. Not that I don't know any." Denji told her straight facts.

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