Part 2: Chapter 2

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"Let me put this on real quick!" Denji said, putting the uniform back on after the fight with the cockroach, "Hurry up!" Power said, wiping off the blood on her face, "I am!" Denji told her, "So what happened while I was gone?" Death asked, "This whole fight with cockroach." Denji told him, "A......cockroach? Are you sure it's dead?" Death said, "Yes I'm sure, Power squached the damned thing's head." Denji told him, "Oh, well, that's good to hear, cockroaches should've never existed in the first place." Death said in a cold voice, "Agreed, but I gotta go to school before we're late." Denji said, finally putting the shirt and the jacket on, "C'mon Denji!! We really gotta go!" Power told him, pushing the button for a elevator, "I'm coming!" Denji would jog towards Power, entering the elevator.

"So, uh, Bloody Mary? Where you get that from?" Denji asked Power, "Don't know, just thought of it on the spot." Power said, "Soooo, you weren't inspired by something then?" Denji said, "Mmmmm, nope!" Power said, "Alright then." Denji said, leaving the elevator ride quiet. Once the elevator the would start to run out the building, then to the school, "What time is it?!" Power asked, "The hell would I know!" Denji said, "I'm just asking!" Power said, "Well, it was a bad question!" Denji told her, "SHUT UP!! Anyways, look! That's gotta be the school!" Power would point at the school they were gonna attend. "Well, c'mon! Let's pick up the pace!" Denji said, going to a full on sprint, "Hey! Don't leave me behind!!" Power said, sprinting behind him. After running what felt like a marathon, the two would finally make it to the school. "We're here!" Power said, "Yeah, we finally made it." Denji would look around the building.

"The place where the educated come from, wonder how it is like?" Death said, poor fool, if he only knew how sus the teens were, "Yeah." Denji said, Power and him would now enter the school, "Oh, you must some the new students!" The woman in the front office said, "Oh, y-yeah, we're here to learn." Denji said with a nervous chuckle at the end, "Well, that's good to hear. And may I ask the two of you for your names?" She would ask them, "Y-Yeah, uh, my name's Hayakawa Denji, and she's Hayakawa Power." Denji would tell her his and her name, "And if it isn't rude for me to ask, what's up with the horns?" The woman asked, questioning them, "Um, uh, I'm cosplaying!" Power blurted out, "Oh, really? Well, that's nice, and can I ask why your name is Power?" She this time asked, "Oh, uh, her name i-is something a-about Christianity." Denji said, before Power could say anything about it, "Ahh, well, here, sorry for taking up your time of learning, so here. These notes show where your classrooms will be." She said, handing them a piece of paper.

"Oh, thanks miss." Denji would grab the notes, handing Power's note to her, "You're welcome, now the two of you should really get to class." She said, "Alright." Denji said, him and Power would walk off to their classrooms, "Soooo, what's your classroom?" Power would ask, walking along side Denji, "Well, let me check first." Denji would look at the note, and then showed it to Power, "This is mine." Denji said, then Power would check her's, then his, then her's, then his, "We have the same class!" Power shouted in the empty hallway, "Shhh! There's learning in progress!" Denji told her. "Oh, s-sorry." Power said, a little red from the embarrassment, "It's fine, honestly, we were lucky to have the same class together though." Denji said, smiling at the fact. "Yeah!" Power this time would whisper out, "It should beeeee, here." Denji would look at the door with the same number as the note.

"Well, let's go in." Denji said, knocking on the door, "Our grand adventure in the education system begins here!" Death said, then someone inside of the room would open the door, "Come in! The lesson's about to begin!" The student said, walking off to their seat, "Oh, hello there! The two of you are the other new students, correct?" A familier woman said, "Hold up, that who I think that is?" Denji said, looking straight at the teacher, "My name is Miss Makima, what's yours?" Makima asked, wearing something else instead of her Devil Hunter uniform.

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