Chapter 20

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Ok, so since this is the 20th chapter of this story, I wanted to ask y'all one simple request. That being, to flood any CSM story's comment sections with #FREEHUGSFORKOBENI, and if anybody asks about it in that story tell them "Revv the Saw." And nothing else, I wanna see how much chaos we can do. Also, if this gets popular then maybe spread it to other stories that aren't related to CSM, cause why not. But please do it, I really want to see the amount of confusion that the writers and readers will have. Also, I want y'all to report to me if the writer says anything on my message board, cause I wanna read what they said.

"Let's fucking do this!" Denji shouted while walking towards Aki with the rest, "Alright, Power and I will push Aki while Kobeni will push Himeno." Denji told them, "Ok boss! I can do that." Kobeni said while walking with Himeno in the opposite direction of Power and Denji, "Ok now that we're behind Aki, we'll need to push as hard as we can, cause he ain't gonna go down without a fight." Denji whispered while they were behind Aki, "Ok, I got it." Power said, "On count of 3. 1, 2, 3!" Denji would start pushing Aki with Power doing the same, "HEY! WHAT THE HELL ARE THE TWO OF YOU DOING?!"Aki yelled, confused on what they were doing, "Don't worry so much! We're just doing a favor!" Denji told him while still pushing Aki, "Just a little further!" Denji told Power. "YES SIR!" Power said.

"Oh man! I feel nervous about this!" Himeno told Kobeni before they started to push, "Really? You of all people are nervous about a kiss?" Kobeni said, "I mean, this is the guy I like. The other dudes that I've kissed didn't exactly make me feel  anything, but when I think of kissing Aki, my heart just starts beating faster than it ever has." Himeno said to Kobeni, "Well, um, I can somewhat relate to that." Kobeni told Himeno, "Wait, wait, wait, you like somebody?" Himeno asked when she heard Kobeni, "Um, uh, m-maybe I do." Kobeni got real nervous when Himeno started to ask questions, "Who is it?!" Himeno wanted all the juicy details. "N-Not telling!" Kobeni said, "Oh, c'mon! Tell me!" Himeno begged to know who it was that caught Kobeni's interest. "Oh, would you look at that! Denji and Power are already pushing Aki! So let's go!" Kobeni would dodge the question by pushing Himeno towards the apporaching Aki. "I'm gonna make you tell me one day Kobeni!" Himeno told her.

"GUYS!! LOOK OUT!!" Aki yelled seeing how Himeno was being pushed towards him, "Nope, not gonna happen!" Power and Denji said, "GUYS WE'RE GONNA CRASH!!" Aki yelled, "Here we go Himeno, it's your time to shine!" Denji said, pushing Aki with even more force to the point Himeno and Aki were connecting lips! "WE DID IT!!" Denji yelled to the group, "Sorry about that Himeno, these two idiots are at it again." Aki would release the kiss before talking, "Y-Yeah, d-don't worry t-too much about it." Himeno stuttered out, "NOW THE TWO OF YOU GET OVER HERE!!" Aki said, walking up to the two aggressively, "OH SHIT, RUN!!" Denji told Power, "OH NO YOU DON'T!!" Aki would run after them around the place.

"He didn't even say anything else." Himeno said, "Um, then maybe you should do what Denji said." Kobeni told her, "That's still so embarrassing though, and what if he says no?" Himeno asked Kobeni, "Well, you'll never know unless you try. I don't got any experiemce when it comes to love, but I think it's better to just ask instead of giving subtle hints. Boys aren't exactly always gonna get the idea either until you tell them directly." Kobeni said, "I hate how right you are about this. But I guess it's time to face my fears, and go for it." Himeno said, gathering all her strength and walked towards the enraged Aki. "Hey Himeno, you need something?" Aki said, focused on Denji and Power, who were on the other side of the table, "Y-Yeah I do actually." Himeno said, grabbing Aki's face, and giving him a kiss, "POWER, SHE DID IT!! SHE ACTUALLY DID IT!!" Denji shouted towards Power, "Now Aki only has to accept!" Power said, watching it all go down, with everybody staring at the two kissing.

"W-What was t-that for?" Aki asked her, in shock, "Because I like you. I've liked for awhile now, but you could never take the hint. So that's why I asked Denji for help since the two of you were close and all that." Himeno said, "So would you go out with me?" Himeno asked, nervous for the answer, "I, um, I-I......Yeah, I-I wanna go out with y-you too." Aki stuttered, causing Himeno to smile.

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