Chapter 8

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"Guess I have to get out here then." Aki said, standing up from the toilet sit, and opened the door. He would walk towards the front door and open it to see two Devil Hunters with similer scars across their cheeks. One would be a tall woman with a messy ponytail, the other being a man that was a bit shorter than the woman.

 One would be a tall woman with a messy ponytail, the other being a man that was a bit shorter than the woman

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Don't you dare say anything sus about her, please! For my sake and my sanity!

"Name's Aki, right?" The woman asked, "Yeah, that's my name. And the two of you are?" Aki said, waiting to hear their name, "My name is Michiko, the guy behind me is Yutaro." Michiko introduced him and herself, "Sup." Yutaro would poke out of Michiko's shoulder with a peace sign, "What do the two of you need?" Aki asked, getting straight to the point, "Straight to the point, I like that." Yutaro said, still behind Michiko. "The two of us were sent to tell you that the Fox Devil termitnated your contract." Michiko told him, "Yeah, you royally pissed it off with that fight." Yutaro said, "Wait, I can't use her anymore?" Aki asked just to be sure, "Yup, exactly that, but that's the reason we came. We are here to get you a new contract with a much stronger devil." Michiko explained why they were here, "One that won't run like a scaredy cat." Yutaro added.

"Well, I guess we should get going." Aki said, ready, "One more thing. You, cute blonde guy!" Michiko said getting the attention of Denji, who was playing with Meowy, "Me?" Denji asked, pointing at himself, "Yeah, you and Devil girl gotta do something too." Michiko said, "Makima's in another car waiting." She added, "Alright, c'mon Power we gotta go." Denji said to Power, who was reading a manga called "Saw Guy", "Oh, c'mon! It was getting to the good part! You know, where Saw Guy fights Explosion Gal!" Power said irritated on having to read the rest later instead of now. "Too bad! Anyways, do you want Miss Makima to get mad at you?!" Denji said, knowing Power's fear of Makima, "I, Power, shall go with Denji to finish our quest, so that I get to read the rest of the manga!" Power said, walking to the front door, ready, "Well, she certainly switched teams in just a few seconds." Michiko said, amused with the interaction.

"Well, we'll be off then, Aki. See ya later!" Denji said, waving at Aki, using the elevator that now works, "3 months, 3 months it didn't work and now for some reason it starts working." Aki said in a spiteful voice, "We should get going too." Yutaro said. Aki would press the elevator button and wait, since Denji and Power went in first. "What was up with the cute blonde thing?" Yutaro asked Michiko, "What can I say, the guy's kinda cute." Michiko answered the question, "Just, just never took you as the flirty type." Yutaro said to Michiko, "Well, sometimes you think you know somebody until they do something you never seen them do." Michiko said, right before the elevator stopped on the floor they were in. "Ah, well, let's get going." The three enter the elevator to the ground floor and enter a black car to somewhere else.

To Denji and Power

"Are we in a graveyard?" Power asked, looking at the surroundings, "No, this is the hospital." Denji said, sarcasticly, "Why are we here Miss Makima?" Power asked curious to why they were in a graveyard. "Because of recent events there has been a discussion on what our next step will be. That next step being to teach the two of you some fighting skills that you may need in your next encounter." Makima explained. Infront of them would be a man, who was standing infront of the graveyard filled with white crosses. "This is the man who will be training from here on out. His name is---Shhhhhh. Shut it." Makima was interupted by the man.

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