Chapter 4

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"Look at Arai run, so that he can get that kiss." Denji said walking and looking at Arai run around the hotel, "I AM NOT LOOKING FOR A KISS!! BUT IF I HAVE TO KILL THE DEVIL SO THAT NONE OF YOU DON'T GET KISSED, THEN AM WILLING TO RISK IT!!!" Arai said, "Isn't that another way of saying that you want the kiss?" Denji asked unconvienced, "ahh, it's so fun teasing them." Himeno said with a smile, "Do you think that your new recruits live through this?" Aki asked Himeno. "Well, Arai is lacking in the skills department, but he does have the motivation to make up for it. And Kobeni is really shy, but she got the moves to put seasoned Devil Hunters to shame." Himeno said looking at Kobeni, the girl who gets scared of every little thing. Kobeni wore the full Devil Hunter Uniform as well.

"What about your's, Aki?" Himeno asked him, "The Devil Man, Power is strong, but she has a short fuse which could probably lead her to betraying us

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"What about your's, Aki?" Himeno asked him, "The Devil Man, Power is strong, but she has a short fuse which could probably lead her to betraying us. As for the Denji, he's alright guy, and probably the strongest one here too." Aki said, "Strongest, why?" Himeno would further question, "Because he seems to posses a contract with a powerful devil, which he won't tell anyone it's name." Aki answered her question. "That's neat, I think." Himeno said after hearing the information, "Just don't die Aki." Himeno asked him.

One of the doors would start to open infront of them, with a small devil coming out of it.

The first thing it does is to attack Kobeni, "AHHHHH!!!" Kobeni yelled scared of the attack, "I got it!" Himeno said while putting her arm up and tightens her grip causing the devil to stop in mid air, "WAIT POWER DON'T KILL IT YET!!" Denji told P...

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The first thing it does is to attack Kobeni, "AHHHHH!!!" Kobeni yelled scared of the attack, "I got it!" Himeno said while putting her arm up and tightens her grip causing the devil to stop in mid air, "WAIT POWER DON'T KILL IT YET!!" Denji told Power to which she ignored and still killed it, "What was that Denji?" Power asked after killing the devil, "Oh! Nevermind!" Denji said annoyed at Power's antics. "Oh well, it seems the devil was so afraid of my presence that it started floating!" Power said, "That wasn't the case at all! My ghost caught it!" Himeno told Power, "Sure it was human." Power said unamused. "This guy isn't it, there's barely a reaction with the fragment." Aki said using the fragment near the corpse of the devil. After that the whole group would go upstairs.

"Power don't try to threaten Kobeni, please." Denji said knowing what Power would do on the stairs, "How did you know human!" Power asked in surprise, "Cause I know you well enough, and we already discussed this." Denji said walking up to the 8th floor again. "Wait. Didn't we just come from the 8th floor?" Arai said looking at the floor number, "Yeah we did, but since Power didn't listen to me and killed the devil before I could question it." Denji said looking at Power, "But you told me to kill it!" Power lied, "Shut up! We're stuck here until we kill the devil." Denji told the rest. "How do you know if there's another devil?" Aki asked him, "Cause I may or may not of fought the guy before and there isn't two devils, it's the same one. Anyways, this devil got us stuck on this floor, and no matter what we do we can't leave." Denji explained the abilites of the devil.

"So we're all gonna die?!" Kobeni said with tears about to fall, "He-Hey! Don't say that, you can't give up now Kobeni!" Arai tired to cheer her up, "And you wanted to help your brother go into university, right!!" Arai asked, "But it's forced. My parents force me so my brother could at least go to university, cause he's good at everything! I WANTED TO GO TO UNIVERSITY, BUT I'M GONNA DIE HERE!!" Kobeni started to cry, "Hey, Kobeni you're just giving what the devil wants." Himeno tried to cheer Kobeni up, "HAHAHA, this is too good! HAHAHA!" Power laughed at Kobeni situation. "I forgot how sad your backstory was." Denji said in his head, "Need a hug, or something?" Denji asked Kobeni who looked up and said, "Sure, I got almost nothing to lose other than my life." Kobeni said hugging Denji while crying her soul out.

"Well, we should think of a plan in one of the rooms." Aki said leading the group to a empty room, "Well, I'm taking a nap!" Denji said jumping into the bed, "It's really not the best time to sleep!" Aki told Denji, "Well, too late." Denji would fall asleep right after he said this, having a dream.

Into Denji's dream

"Hey, Pochita! Where are you going!" A much more younger Denji would run behind Pochita, through a grassy field, "Hey! Wait up!" Denji said seeing that Pochita went through a set of large bushes, and when he went through the bushes he saw this.

"Hey, Pochita! Where are you going!" A much more younger Denji would run behind Pochita, through a grassy field, "Hey! Wait up!" Denji said seeing that Pochita went through a set of large bushes, and when he went through the bushes he saw this

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Killing every devil there was, without stopping. It would slash open multiple devils in one swing, cutting them in half and letting their guts spill. "Is this hell?" Denji asked himself looking to the sky, seeing doors upon doors. The chainsaws could be heard everywhere, with the sound of blood splatter following right after. The fight would last for 1 more minute with the CHAINSAW DEVIL being the last one standing, staring at Denji. It would walk closer to him, and when it got close enough, it would crouch down to Denji's height. "Vrrenji." It said, "P-Pochita, is that you?" Denji asked the devil infront of him, "Vrres, vrrI vrrant vrro vrrake vra vreal." Pochita said not losing eye contact, "A deal?" Denji said somewhat nervous of the sheer aura that this form of Pochita had.

"VrrI vrrwant vrrou vrro vrrive vrrou vrrhis." Pochita said pulling his heart out of his chest, "But I already have you as my heart." Denji told Pochita, "Vrrhis vrs vrretter." Pochita said while he held his still beating heart, "Well, if it's you, of course I'll take it." Denji gave Pochita a smile, "Vrrood, vrrut vrhis vrrill vrrurt." Pochita said which puzzled the boy. "Huh, why?" Denji asked before Pochita would punch a hole through Denji's chest, grabbing his heart and quickly putting his own heart into Denji. Denji was coughing blood out while the process was happening, though the whole ordeal didn't last even a minute. After the "surgery" Denji would would gasp and see that his chest was healed, "That was quick huh." Denji said looking at Pochita, who was slowing falling apart, "Vrres, vrrut vrrI vrrust vrro." Pochita said with Denji crying a bit, "Will I ever see again, like this?" Denji asked desperately wanting to be with Pochita, "Vrraybe vrrne vrray." Pochita said before completely falling apart, "I miss you already Pochita." Denji said having a few tears fall down.

When he woke up

"What the hell type of dream was that?" Denji asked himself, though he felt as if his heart was beating faster, and felt more alive than ever before, "Oh, seems that Mr. Sleepsalot finally woke up." Himeno said looking at Denji, "What happened so far?" Denji asked Himeno, "Well, Aki is looking for the devil, Arai was okay at first, but he kinda lost it. Kobeni's situation got so bad that I had to knock her out. As for the Devil Girl well, you'll have to see." Himeno relayed what has happened, "Betcha she said something about Noble Prize and becoming Prime Minister." Denji said, "How did you know?" Himeno asked, "I just got wicked skills." Denji responded with a smirk.

Contracts:Darkness Devil, Pochita(Hero of Hell), Muscle Devil

Another chapter finished!!!

So how did y'all like Pochita's small return.

Also been meaning to ask y'all, what would y'all rate this story from a scale of 1 to 10 so far.

Fun fact: Kobeni's name was the 666 word that I wrote for this chapter. I think it's telling us something.

Anyways, hoped you enjoyed!!

I do not own any pictures that I used or will use in the future of the story. They belong to their respective owners.

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