Chapter 24

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So fellow writers, what's the weirdest reading list name you had your book put in? Let me go first, from my small period of writing books, someone decided to put my book into Hentai💀 Like, WHAT?!
"Eeeeewwwwww!!!!" Himeno said, stepping on a pile of guts, "Ummm, didn't expect this." Aki said, looking to his right to see the man that owned the intestines lying down, "C'mon we gotta get this piece of shit." Denji said, looking forward to see even more corpses that were ripped apart, "Was there a reason to kill all these dudes?" Violence asked, "Best reason I can come up with is that he wants us to fear him, well, more than we already are." Denji told Violence, "Oh, this guy's hanging around." Reze said, seeing a man hang from their own guts. "This dude is pretty edgy, isn't he?" Sawatari said while looking at the hanging guy, "Eh, it's his whole thing." Denji said, leading everybody, "So what's the plan to begin with kid? Not like we stand much a chance against this guy." Kishibe asked, "Like hell if I know. This guy can kill us in a matter of seconds, so there's almost zero breathing space." Denji said.

"Are there any survivors?" Angel said, looking around to see nothing but corpses and buildings, "Don't think so. The guy's not merciful at all, so they're probably all dead." Denji said, "Oh, well that sucks." Angel said, "Now this guy's hammered." Reze said, pointing at someone who's face was smashed to nothing, "You really don't gotta tell us how they died with jokes." Denji said, "Aww, c'mon. I'm just trying to lighten up the mood a bit." Reze said. "Ok, anyways, Beam you picking up anything?" Denji asked, looking at Beam sniff around, "No Master Chainsaw, nothing!" Beam told him, "Well, shit, we got almost a whole city to search and our best tracker can't find him." Denji said, irritated. "Can I suggest something?" Death started to speak, "Sure, go ahead." Denji said, allowing Death to do his thing, "What if we lit a fire? You know, to actually see something." Death said, "That's the best idea I heard in awhile." Denji said, liking the suggestion.

"Hey, anybody got a light on them?" Denji asked the group, "Oh, oh, I got one!" Himeno would walk up to Denji to give him her lighter, "Thanks, now I gotta get some stuff to burn." Denji would look down to the floor to see a arm that nobody's using, and some random cloth lying around, "Alright, I think I got something." Denji grabbed the arm and cloth, wrapping the cloth around the arm, then used the lighter to burn the cloth. "Tada!! A HAND-made torch!!" Denji made a small torch with the two items, "That.......That was a terrible pun." Reze was disappointed on hearing the pun, "Talk to the hand, hater." Denji would turn around with the torch in hand, lighting the path forward. But the thing that was in the dark was Denji's name written with human body parts. Arms, legs, torsos, you name it. "Quite brutal." Death said, "This guy really has it out for ya Denji." Himeno said, staring at the writings.

"Yeah, he does." Denji said, moving forward with the rest following behind. The more the headed forward, the more corpses that appeared infront of them. Every one being more gory than the last. One had their eyeballs in their mouth, another with their arms and legs all cut off from the rest, makes Denji wonder if the arm was this guy's arm. "We've been walking for hours!!!" Himeno whined, "How would you know?" Violence asked her, "Cause my legs hurt!!" Himeno whined some more. "You'll be fine, just keep moving." Denji said, though he did notice how there were less buildings surrounding them. The bodies were still around though. "Are we leaving the city?" Aki said, noticing the lack of buildings. "I think the bastard's leading us somewhere." Denji said, "Leading us to where?" Makima said, "Hold it! You're here?!" Denji said, stopping when he heard her voice, "Yes, is there a problem?" Makima said, "No, it's just that I didn't think you were here, like at all." Denji said, "Very well, I am quite quiet when I'm observing." Makima told him.

The group have been walking to what seemed to be hours, walking and walking with no stop. The smell of burning flesh accompanying them because of the torch. The more they walked, the more trees they saw surround them. "Ok, this douche is definitely leading us somewhere." Denji said, "Where do you think he's leading us to?" Death asked him, "From all the trees, I think I got a good picture to where." Denji said, "Aren't.......Aren't you gonna tell me?" Death asked him, "Nah, where's the fun in that?" Denji said, "But there isn't anything fun about this to begin with!" Death pointed out, "Not literally, just saying that for suspense." Denji said. "Uh.....Ok?" Death said, unsure to what he should say to that response. "This is the worst goose chase I've been in." Kishibe said, "Really? This is the worst one? Cause I remember Quanxi being the greatest goose chase you had." Makima said, "Don't, just don't do that please." Kishibe said, wishing to not remember that.

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