Part 2: Chapter 3

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Been playing Metal Gear Rising. And GOD it's so much fun!!

"Here you go." Makima would give all of them a bento box, "Is this a bento box?" Reze asked making sure she wasn't seeing things, "Yes, the three of you should eat up!" Makima said, "Sooo, is that why we're on the roof of the school? Just to eat with each other?" Denji said, a tad bit suspicious, "Yes." Makima said, smiling, "Well, food's food!" Power said, opening the box, and stuffed her mouth full of what was in the bento box. "No hesitation at all." Death said, watching Power eat, "Alright then." Denji said, opening the box, taking a small bite, "Is there something wrong Denji?" Makima asked, noticing how slow Denji was eating, "Uh, y-yeah, just trying to savior the delicious food." Denji said, chuckling nervously, "Is it posioned?" Death asked, "No, it tastes pretty good!" Denji told him, taking a bite of the food.

"If I can ask Miss Makima, who made this?" Reze asked, "I did, Reze." Makima said, "Really?! Cause this is pretty good!" Reze said, complementing Makima's cooking, "Aren't you gonna eat something too Miss Makima?" Denji asked, "Well, I would if I brought more, but I didn't. So I can't." Makima said, "Oh." Denji said, then he started to think, "Should I?" He said, "Should you what?" Death asked, "Uhhhh, look don't get mad, but do you think that I should feed Makima?" Denji asked him, "Feed her? Why would I get mad at that? But yes, I think you should feed her!" Death told him. "Oh boy, this is gonna be kinda embarrassing." Denji said, "Uh, um, M-Miss Makima, would......would it be alright if I feed you some of mine?" Denji awakardly asked her, making the others stare at him.

"Feed me?" Makima asked, questioning him, "Y-Yeah." Denji said, getting a bit red, "Well......I wouldn't be opposed to the idea of being fed, but this is for you not me." Makima said, "Yeah I get that, a friend, I will not let you starve!" Denji said, "As a friend, huh? Sure buddy ol' pal, you can feed me." Makima smiled, accepting the offer, "Wait, she actually accepted?" Denji said to himself, watching Makima sit next to him. "Uh, open w-wide." Denji said, picking some of the food while Makima would open her mouth. Letting the food be placed in it, chewing and swallowing. "You were right! It is pretty good!" Makima said to Reze, "Yup!" Reze said, giving a thumbs up to her. Power would be sitting there quietly, watching Denji feed Makima. Power already finished her food, but seeing Denji feed her made her stomach feel empty. So her bright idea was to ask, "Can you feed me too?" Power bluntly said, pointing at Denji's bento.

"Uhhhh, sureeeee?" Denji said, questioning as to why Power wanted him to feed her, "Well, say ahhhhh!" Denji would grab a piece, putting it into her mouth, "This is pretty good, better than what I was eating!" Power said, "Wonder why?" Death said in a sarcastic tone, "Here Makima." Denji would then feed Makima, then Power. He would keep doing this, until the bento box was empty. "Wait.........DAMN IT!! I only got two bites outta this whole thing!" Denji said, realizing his grave mistake, "Denji, you will never know that you've just rizzed them up." Death said to himself. "Here, I knew you would give them all of yours by accident." Reze would give her bento box to him, though it was only half of it. "You sure? Cause you should also eat." Denji said, making sure that she was ok with him having it, "Yeah! If I wasn't sure then I wouldn't of told you to begin with, silly!" Reze said, "Well, bet!" Denji grabbed the bento box that she was giving to him, eating the rest of it.

"Thanks for letting me eat Denji." Makima said, thankful, "Yeah, what she said!" Power said, pointing at Makima, "Well students, we should go back to class. It's almost the end of lunch." Makima said, looking at the watch in her wrist, "Oh, alright." Denji would stand up with Power and Reze following, "Soooooo, what was that?" Reze asked Power, "What was what?" Power said, "Oh c'mon, don't play dumb with me. Why'd you ask Denji to feed you?" Reze said, "Ummmm, don't know." Power said, shrugging her shoulders, "Mmmmmm, that right? You sure you weren't........jealous?" Reze said, "What! Jealous, jealous of who?!" Power asked, "Mmmm, I don't know, maybe........... Makima." Reze teased, "M-Makima?" Power would look forward, watching Denji and Makima chat while walking to class. "Yup! Cause if you weren't jealous, you wouldn't of asked him to feed you." Reze said, "But I can't blame you. He's a really good guy, the reason why I'm here to begin with." Reze said, looking at Denji.

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