Chapter 23

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So I'm a little curious, this is for my fellow writers, do y'all script everything before it's written or do y'all just come up with whatever while y'all write? For me I just write whatever I come up with in my head while writing.

"Ughhhhhh! When's the pizza coming?" Power said, holding onto her stomach that was growling from hunger, "It should be here in a few." Denji was also starving, "Should've just ordered the pizza in the first place." Denji said to himself, then he would look at Meowy, "Man, why are you so adorable, huh?" Denji would pet the feline, making him purr, "Indeed he is." Death said, then there would be knocking on the front door, "THE PIZZA!!" Power would stand up and run to the front door in the speed of light and open the door. "Here's a order for Denji." The delivery man said, though he was.......bald, "Thanks, and here's the payment, and the tip." Denji would pull out his wallet and give it to the man. Denji would see a name tag on the man's shirt reading, "Johnny Sins" "Well, thank you sir, have a good day." The man would leave with Power closing the front door, "Gimme pizza Denji!" Power demaned once he set the box on the kitchen counter.

"Hold up, get some plates first." Denji told her before she could grab one, "Fine, just let me eat!" Power said, quickly grabbing two plates, "There, now gimme some!" Power told him, "Alright, alright, don't gotta be so damned hyped about it." Denji said, "Though that guy seemed familier." Denji said to himself while remembering the delivery man's name, "Seems familier indeed, like those type of faces where you saw them in a movie, but you don't remember their name." Death said, "Yeah, sorta like that." Denji agreed with him, "Pizza! Pizza! Pizza!" Power chanted while taking bites out of the pizza slice she was eating. "Now this is how you cook!" Power insulted Denji's cooking, "How dare you." Denji was offended, "After everything I've done for you, this is how you repay me." Denji said, "What, you angry?" Power would put on a sly smirk, "No, just disappointed." Denji would take a bite of his pizza slice.

"Honestly, I thought that Darkness would've gotten here already." Death said, "Yeah, guess the bastard's slow." Denji would take another bite of pizza, "Then again he's probably planning something." Denji added, "Yes, he's intelligent and calculating." Death said. Then the tv would be forcefully turned to the news, "EVERYBODY WHO IS LISTENING TO THIS, RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!!" The news reporter yelled,"What the hell?" "A DEVIL HAS APPEARED T-TO KILL US ALL!!" The man was sweating and panting from fear, "I-IF YOU COME BY T-THIS DEVIL, PRAY TO GOD T-THAT IT K-KILLS YOU QUICK!!!" He was starting to cry from his fear of the devil, "OH GOD, I-I THINK HE'S HERE!!" The man said, before he could run away from it, the devil would cut him straight down the middle, the two sides would split from each other with the man's guts spilling out. Then the devil would appear infront of the camera, revealing that it was none other than the Darkness Devil. Then he would crush the camera, the screen would then say, "Sorry, we're having some technical difficulties." "Uh, D-Denji is t-that who I t-think that i-is." Power would start to tremble, "Yeah, that's......that's him." Denji said, looking at the tv.

"Well, uh, I feel as if he did that just because we said something." Death said, "Uh, Power it's gonna be alright." Denji was trying to calm Power down, "N-Nothing's gonna be a-alright Denji! T-This i-is the D-Darkness Devil, h-he'll kill e-everybody in Japan!!" Power started breathing heavy, "I'm not letting that happen, NO MATTER WHAT!!" Denji said her, "That'll b-be i-impossible! You c-can't do t-that by yourself!!" Power told him, "I never said that I was gonna do it alone, I'll need everybody's help." Denji said, "B-But even w-with everybody h-helping, you w-won't win." Power said. "Trust me when I say this, I can beat him. And there's one friend that you haven't met either." Denji said, "And w-who's that?" Power asked him, "Well, let's say that they're quite strong." Denji said, heading to the front door, "Wait! Y-You can't just go n-now!" Power would stand infront of the door, "Power, if I don't go, more lives will be lost. He's looking for me and only me, no one that's innocent needs to die." Denji said, "B-But what i-if he k-kills you? Cause, I-I DON'T WANT TO LOSE YOU!!" Power would then wrap her arms around him to hug him.

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