Part 2: Chapter 6

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Alright, that looks clean enough to me." Denji said, as he saw the floor cleaned up by Power, "Hurrah! I've done an amazing job!" Power wiped the sweat off her brow as she smiled when she saw the clean floor, "Hurrah indeed, but it's bout time we go to sleep." Denji said as he yawned and covered his mouth. "But where's Topknot?" Power asked the sleepy blonde. "Well, before I left with Kobeni, he said that he was gonna go on a date with Himeno or something." Denji recalled, "But dates shouldn't last this damn long though..." Denji added, "But whateves, let's just hit the sack". Denji said as he shrugged his shoulders, "Oh okay then." Power said.

During the night

A familier figure would be seen crouching, inching closer and closer to the glass tank that contained the Frog. "Ribbit?" He croaked as it saw a sillouhette. It didn't stop, it kept moving towards him, its eyes seemed to glow in the dark. Once it reached the table the tank was on top of, the sillouhette would jump up on the table. It's face nearing the glass to reveal the hideous monster, Meowy. "RIBBIT!!" He croaked, this time full of fear of the creature in front of him. The creature would peer his ugly face in the tank, opening it's maw to try to eat him. "RIBBIT!" He jumped out of the way, hiding inside of a small plastic cave that Denji has placed. The hunting feline would put his paw in, attempting to flip the plastic cave over. Tapping it several times till it flipped over, revealing the delicious meal. With its swift reflexes, the savage beast would strike with its paws. But as quick as its strike was, the Frog was quicker. Jumping on the feline's head, it quickly jumped again, landing on the hard wooden floor of the apartement. Meowy would give chase, sprinting towards its prey. The Frog would leap underneath the couch, absolutely sure that the savage wouldn't reach there.

But he underestimated that damned cat. Watching it quickly crawl towards him, "RIBBIT?!" The frog questioned as he saw the tiger, he'd believe that the beast wouldn't fit because of its overfed body, but alas, the cat was still quite nimble for its size. Quickly, the Frog leaped out of the bottom of the couch, and hopped on top of it, hiding behind a pillow that was next to the sleeping Denji. Once the beast escaped the couch, it started to scan the area. Seeing no trace of the prey, giving the Frog some relief. But for what it couldn't see, it could smell. Sniffing the floor, the drooling cat would follow the scent to exactly the same pillow that the Frog was hiding. The Frog was shaking in fear, its breathing rapid. Then the ugly monster would lift the pillow with its inhuman strength, revealing the hiding amphibian. Without a second thought, Meowy would go for a bite, but missed as the Frog landed on the sleeping Denji. The frog thought that this monster that riviled that of the strongest primal fears, would know better than to disturb a god's slumber.

But oh boy how he overestimated Meowy's intellect. Meowy would pounce towards the Frog, but the frog leaped to a different direction. As Meowy landed, he dug his sharp claws into Denji's face, immediatly waking him up. "W-What the hell is going on?!" Denji grogaly shouted, swiping Meowy of his scratched face. "RIBBIT, RIBBIT!!" The Frog croaked for help. "What are you doing outta your tank?" Denji asked, half asleep as he picked him up and plopped him back in his tank. Securing the lid so he wouldn't escape again. "Don't think for a second I'mma let you leave my sights." Denji yawned mid way through his sentence, shaking his finger at him. Then he went back on the couch, stretching a bit and laid on top of it, sleeping in an instant. "Meeeeowwwwww." Meowy stared at the Frog whole he meowed at it with a low tone that sounded like a growl. Out of spite, the Frog would stick his tongue out in the safety of his new domain.


*BEEP BEEP BEEP* "Mm? What's that noise?" Denji awoken from his slumber from the loud beeping noise, seeing... a note. "Oh it better not be from who I think it is." Denji grumbled as he rubbed his eyes, then he blankly stared at the wall, zoning out. "Uhm, hey? Are you... still there?" Death asked, but he seemed to be unfazed by Death's efforts. "Huh, what happened?" Denji shook his head as he looked around again, remembering the blasted alarm clock. And also noticed Death, "Oh, morning Death." Denji politely greeted as he walked up to the note. "Morning Denji." Death greeted right back to his best buddy, and said buddy would be inspecting the note that was made by none other than Aki, "God... I don't wanna read this." Denji told himself. "But what if it's important?" Death asked, "And what if it ain't?" Denji asked a question of his own.

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