🥳50k views!(kinda late)🥳

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So, I wanted to say thanks. I'm not a person who's the best at writing thank you's or anything, but y'all are the best people I've met on this place(though, admittedly some of the weirdest as well, but that's to be expected on Wattpad). Some of the funniest moments that I've ever had were just replying to y'all, and god did I have a blast talking to some of y'all. And of course, some of y'all are gonna be disappointed that this isn't an actual chapter for this, but whatever. To think that when I started writing this book, I thought to myself that this ain't gonna get past 100 views, and now, we're way beyond 100 views. I also know that I'm not that good when it comes to writing as well, there's 100's of writers that are wayyy better than me. But I'm learning, learning from each grammar mistake and each awakard story-telling decision. One day I'll possibly get to the best version of my writing, but today well not be it nor will it be tomorrow. But it will(hopefully)be some day.

But anyways thanks for listening or... well, reading my stupid ramblings(Imagine nobody reads my thanks💀). Hopefully I'll upload a chapter before I go back to school again.

Also, for a friend who requested something close to this.(friend meaning I met them here, in Wattpad).
Almost there

Isn't exactly what they wanted, butttt I think it's as close as it's gonna get

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Isn't exactly what they wanted, butttt I think it's as close as it's gonna get. And also, I just discovered that there's a Chainsaw Man web game, I've tried it before, and I got no clue what I'm doing. Maybe because I had the music muted or because everything was in Japanese. But anyways, thanks for reading!(I don't own the picture, at all!!)

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