Part 2: Chapter 7

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"I keep telling you, this isn't gonna work." Denji followed the girl who was speed walking in front of him, "How would you know, huh? You a expert in devils?" Asa angerily said, "Kinda, actually. Look I can just summon the dude and teach him a lesson." Denji said as he continued to follow her, "Like hell you can!" Asa didn't believe the boy, then the two would meet with some other people who were all in a uniform. "Hello to the two of you!" The front of the three greeted Asa and Denji, "Who in the hell are you?" Denji tilted his head, "Well no need for the language. But as for your question I am the Devil Hunter Club President-slash-Student Council President." He'd say as he pushed the hat he wore down as a sign of respect. "And as for my name I am Haruka Ise--Yoshida!? The hell are you here for?!" Denji asked, "Well, what can I say? I just wanted to see the little fish swim." Yoshida said.

One of the other Devil Hunter club members would whisper to the Club President, "Sir, that's the guy that went from Civilian Devil Hunter to Public Safety Devil Hunter while in High School." They whispered in there ear. "How curious, well I am the Devil Hunter Club President-slash-Student Council President, Haruka--AAHHHHH!!! WE'RE GOING TO DIE HERE!!" One of the members screamed in tears, "They... kinda look like Kobeni." Denji thought, "Look, this'll go quicker if I just summ--As my friend was going to say, this'll go quicker if we look for any exits or where ever the devil may be at." Yoshida interupted Denji, "Good idea!" Haruka said, turning around to explore the hallway. "Look Denji, I know what you were going to say and I wanted say that you're a good guy for wanting to. But I can't allow you to do anything that might give away that you're Chainsawman, alright?" Yoshida whispered to the blonde's ear as they followed the Devil Hunter club members.

"I...Alright, I guess...?" Denji said as they continued to follow. The hallway itself went on forever and ever, the group even decided to go through the ceiling only to find yet another hallway. "Phew, at the very least there's a louge here with water." Haruka said as he sat down on one of the couches, "And we found a way to get to the fish tanks and some of the fish from in there." Yoshida and one of the members held up two boxes filled with fish. "But a aquarium doesn't have any fire that we can use to cook it." Asa pointed out, "O-Oh! I-I got this lighter because of the bullies at school ask me to light there cigerettes." The Kobeni look alike said, holding out a lighter in the palm of their hand, "And we can use these stacks of newspaper as kindling to start the fire." They'd add on. "I... can't eat fish..."

Everybody would turn their head to Asa, "Why not?" Haruka asked, "You allergic?" Yoshida added, "I... they just look too much like a dead animal... it grosses me out." Asa would walk out of the louge to take a breather, "But... that's because they are dead animals..."

Denji would be sitting next to the louge door, thinking. "Well, I can't summon that piece of shit because of Yoshida and I can't turn into Chainsawman either also because of Yoshida... The entire problem is because of Yoshida, great." Denji thought to himself. Then Asa would open the door, leaving him and Asa to stare at each other. "W-What are you looking at?!" Asa said in a fit of rage, "Nothing much." Denji said as he turned to face the fish tanks, "N-Nothing Much?! What's that suppose to mean?!" Asa asked, "It means whatever you want it to mean." Denji said, "Go to hell!" Asa said, "Been there, done that." Denji waved it off as he stood up and walked away. "Wonder what's got her so angry." Denji said.

"I ask him out on a date and her acts like this?! Maybe I should turn him into a weapon!"


"We'd probably already been out of here if you haven't broken that cellphone." Haruka sat on the floor while Asa was lying on the floor, "Yeah... probably. How long have we been here?" Asa said, disappointed with herself. She did always have the tendency to trip in the most crucial moments. "I don't know, but long enough that the fish have started to rot. Oh, if only Chainsawman was here to help us. SOS to Chainsawman! SOS! Help us Chainsawman!" Haruka yelled.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2023 ⏰

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