Story 18 - Kookiemon Part 1

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Top - Namjoon Bottom - Jungkook

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Top - Namjoon
Bottom - Jungkook

Namjoon Point Of View

We have been touring South Korea and soon we will be going to Japan which everyone is excited for.

We have been practicing all the time. Walking around the house we are staying in you can hear the vocalists sing our songs or certain parts of it. We practice doing the dance moves especially if there is certain moves we are struggling with. Jhope has been a big help in that regard to the dancing but everything we do on our own.

I'm proud of everyone as we are all working hard and not pushing ourselves to far except Kookie. I know he's doing it to keep his mind busy so he doesn't think about stuff.

Kookie and I had a moment in the kitchen before going on tour. Kookie revealed his feelings for me and I just froze. He's been avoiding me, not making direct eye contact the way he usually does.

I think he took my silence as my answer and is trying to get over me. I can see he is hurt just by the way he is behaving but when I get near him to help him he moves away and if I keep doing it he will eventually leave the room completely.

I don't want him to forget about me as I love him. I gave him extra attention and support because I love him. I was completely shocked and stunned when he said he loves me. I was trying to keep my feelings to myself and not make it awkward but I feel like I did anyway by not saying anything.

I told the guys what happened as they were asking why Kookie's behavior changed and they understood completely. They said if I really love Kookie and want to be with him then they will be really happy for us and support us.

I've been spending a lot of time with Jin as he's been helping me to try and find a way to get Kookie to be in the same room as me so I can confess. He's been super supportive and I'm thankful for him as he has been trying to help me for this month and a half.

We were outside talking as the others were resting or practicing. Jin said one of his jokes and it was actually funny so I laughed and leaned into him. I calmed down after a few minutes then smiled after.

'Let's call it for the day as we are both getting sore which is not good as we have a concert tomorrow.' Jin said.

'That's a good idea hyung. I really appreciate you helping me. I'm scared in case it doesn't go right.' I said figiting with my fingers.

Jin took his hand and placed it on mine to stop me. He smiled and I smiled as well.

'Everything will be fine okay. He's upset as he thinks his love doesn't like him and his silence was a polite way of rejection but Kookie doesn't know your feelings cause you were soo shocked and you froze which is an understandable reaction.' Jin said.

'We will help you in anyway to get Kookie. You explained how you felt in detail and the songs you wrote about him and your feelings says it all. There might be bumps in the road but it will be worth it at the end as you get what you are wanting so breath.' Jin added.

I thanked him and took deep breaths to calm myself down. I had a stretch and I looked up but I stopped in my tracks as I caught Kookie staring at us.

I stood up with my eyes only on Kookie and made my way to him but he put his hand out to tell me to stop my movements. I looked closely and the hand he brought out was shaking. He shook his head and I heard him sniff. I watched him wipe his tears and left. I froze again.

'Namjoon go to Kookie and sort it out. I know what Kookie is like and if he's thinking what I think he is he will go down the spiral which isn't good. You love him right?' Jin asked. I nodded straight away and looked back at him.

'Then tell him what we were doing so he doesn't think you rejected him because you like me and it will crush him more than he already is.' Jin added and my eyes went wide.

'You think that Kookie thinks I rejected him because I like you?' I asked and Jin nodded. I bolted to Kookie's room and tried the door but it was locked.

'Kookie please open the door.' I said a bit loud.

I heard nothing but crying and it broke my heart hearing it cause it's reminding me I'm the cause of his tears.

I was shouting and banging on the door for him to let me in but nothing. The rest came as my banging got worse. I was sitting on the floor with my head on the door crying my eyes out.

Jungkook Point Of View

I have been working incredibly hard. Mainly to avoid Namjoon as I think he rejected me because he likes Jin.

Doing photoshoots was fun but I'm not liking it anymore and in the group photos Jin and Namjoon are always together and it hurts.

Viewing the comments on the photos and seeing the comments saying Jin and Namjoon are a couple and are hinting it being so close to each other in the photos hurts my heart.

I was walking about the house and ended up at the balcony where you have a great overview of the garden. I was looking around and heard laughing. I went to the direction of it and saw Jin and Namjoon sitting on the same side of the picnic table laughing.

Namjoon leaned into Jin and it was obvious they were a couple. I was saying to myself Namjoon needed time and the comments were fans that ship them but I was wrong as the fans are right.

After a few mintues Namjoon clocked onto me. He froze just like he did when I said my feelings for him. He was coming closer but I put out my shaking arm out to stop him as I've seen clearly with my own eyes. He doesn't need to make it worse by saying he's sorry just to say he's with Jin. I know my heart can't take it.

Jin saw me and i left straight to my room. I slammed it shut and locked it. We have keys and when I lock it I keep the key turned so people can't get in. There are extras but can't do anything if the key is still in the lock and can't get it out.

I was on the floor crying my eyes out. I was hugging my pillow for comfort as the person I love is with someone else but I had to find out the hard way. First was with the photos and the rest fell into place.

I heard Namjoon outside my roon banging on the door to let him in but I couldn't. All my effort in thinking he needed time was wasted. I then thought he didnt like me so staying quiet was his way of politely rejecting me. Now I know everything I was reading and thought was right and I'm even more broken now.

I was hearing the other members arguing but I drowned it out and fell asleep hugging my pillow crying.

...To Be Continued...

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