Story 30 - Yoonjin Part 1

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Mainly Top - Jin (Switch)
Mainly Bottom - Yoongi (Switch)

Jin Point Of View

I woke up to the most cutest sight ever. Yoongi cuddling me. I brought Yoongi closer and he snuggled closer into my neck where his face was facing. I got my phone out and took a few pictures as I couldn't miss this opportunity.

'Babe. You better delete that.' I heard.

'I thought you were sleeping. Also I couldn't miss that opportunity, you look so cute.' I said. Yoongi whined.

'I promise I will only see the picture.' I said hoping he would agree.

'Fine.' Yoongi said and I squealed, being happy he was okay with it.

'I love you Yoons.' I said.

'I love you too Jinnie.' Yoongi said and kissed me after.

I hummed but kissed back quickly. We haven't been able to kiss in a long time or be able to be a couple. I placed my hands on Yoongi's face, caressing his cheeks.

'I missed doing that.' Yoongi pouted after saying that.

'I do as well but we have the whole house to ourselves the full day so we can make the most of it.' I said, playing with Yoongi's hair as he put his head back down onto my chest.

'How. What's happening?' Yoongi asked, sitting up and pulling me to cuddle him, making me smile.

'Namjoon and Jhope are in the studio finishing off some songs before starting more. Tae and Jimin are in the dance studio practising and they said they might do a live. Jungkook is in the recording studio. That leaves us two alone.' I said.

'Let's eat first. We also need to decide who's topping.' Yoongi said, then reluctantly got up.

'Why don't to start the day? We both shower and have two rounds so I can top one round. We can continue with the shower and the last round you top me.' I said and immediately saw Yoongi smirk after I finished my sentence.

'It 's that what you want my baby.' Yoongi said and I nodded.

He picked me up and took me to the bathroom. He sat me on the counter with the sink and got everything ready. New towels, clean clothes, underwear and socks and we were good to go.

I immediately relaxed when I got in the warm water. After a few minutes I felt hands slowly wrap around my waist. I am taller than Yoongi but I shrink when he does things like that.

I do like being the dominant one and I was so happy when Yoongi said he wanted to be dominant sometimes. We have this perfect relationship and we take turns being dominant in the bedroom but we take turns cuddling up to the other or having the other cuddle into you. I never complain as I'm really happy.

After the 18+ was over in the shower I felt really sore as Yoongi didn't hold back. I didn't complain though. We both got ready for the day and I got carried to the kitchen. We had coffee and cereal as it was easy to make.

The rest of the day Yoongi and I spent cuddling on the sofa watching 2 movies. I was lying on Yoongi's chest feeling very safe and cosy.

Yoongi Point Of View

I was thankful Jin knew what the others were doing as it gave us until 7pm alone in the house. 8pm if I am pushing.

I had a relaxing shower even though Jin and I were having sex. It was a chill morning as we had food and cuddled the rest of the time. Jin got up and made food for lunch. Being the oldest he made extra for the others in case they are hungry after coming in.

'Babe!' I asked.

'What is it?' Jin responded.

'Namjoon asked if I can look at what he has done with Jhope.' I said.

'2 hours at most as I wanna make the most of being alone with you.' Jin said and nibbled my ear. I blushed a lot.

'Thanks baby. What are you going to be doing?' I asked.

'Need to tidy the place up and clean the bathroom.' Jin said and I widened my eyes, realizing what bathroom.

'Why the bathroom?' I asked.

'They don't know we are together and I bet they will talk about the state of the bathroom and we get found out.' Jin said.

'Would it be so bad. Them finding out as I'm sure there are a few couples between them anyway.' I said.

'What if they don't like it. I have too many possibilities going on in my head i just. I don't wanna lose you. I love you and you keep me grounded. You help me with everything and comfort me. I can't lose that Yoongi. I just can't.' Jin said and sniffled.

'Hey baby look at me.' I said. I brought my hands to cup his cheeks. I rubbed my thumbs over his cheeks and kissed his forehead.

'You will never loose me. Everything you said I do for you you do for me and more.' I said. Jin nodded.

'I love you baby.' I said looking straight into his eyes causing him to blush.

'I love you too. Daddy.' Jin said and kissed me. I was shocked at the nickname as he hasn't really used it but I kissed back. I felt Jin smile into the kiss which caused me too as well.

'2 hours we come back together and we make the most of it. Okay my babyboy.' I said and Jin nodded shyly. He hugged me wrapping his arms round my waist.

'See you soon baby.' Jin said and we went our separate ways.

...To Be Continued...

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