Story 28 - Hopekook Part 1

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Top - JhopeBottom - Jungkook

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Top - Jhope
Bottom - Jungkook

Jungkook Point Of View

I am currently in the dance studio in our house practising. More practising and more. We need to learn a new dance and I'm hoping the other members will agree it's one of the hardest we ever had. It's up there with ON.

I was in my joggers as I threw my jumper off and then my top as I was sweating. Jimin and Jin were with me but they left to eat. I said I would be with them soon and I'm still here. Pretty sure they will kill me as that was 2 hours ago.

'Jungkook get your ass upstairs to eat.' Jin said.

'I need to nail this step. I'll be up when I get this.' I said not looking at him and getting the video on my phone to the place I need.

'I don't care. You have been at this for hours. Take a break by eating and relaxing and you can go back to it.' Jin said sternly.

'Fine.' I said. I turned my phone off and put my jumper and top in my bag and made my way to Jin. I followed Jin to the kitchen where everyone was.

'You will need to reheat your dinner.' Namjoon said and I just nodded.

I put my dinner in the microwave and put it on for 2 mins. I made my coffee in that time. I placed my coffee on the table and got my food out. I sat down and started eating without looking as I knew and felt 6 pairs of eyes looking at me.

'You okay buddy.' Jimin said breaking the weird silence.

'Okay. I need to eat so I can go practise this stupid dance.' I said eating.

'You need to calm down Kookie. You need regular breaks. You could hurt yourself if you push too much.' Namjoon said.

'Your one to talk Namjoon.' I said.

'Enough with the attitude Kookie, we are telling the truth.' Yoongi said.

'Your also one to talk. Jin, Jimin, Tae and myself have said multiple times to both of you about staying to long in the studio with no breaks. You behave like I am and we take it but when I do it I can't.' Jungkook said. They were silent as I was right and didn't know what to say.

I finished my food. I got up and placed the plate in the sink and left after finishing my coffee and rinsing out the mug.

I went to my room and got changed before going back down to the dance room. For hours I was there practising, falling, getting up again and kept repeating it getting frustrated with myself.

I did a move and got to the end but I landed funny so I twisted my ankle. I cursed with all the curse words I knew and I just lied on the floor. One of the members will come and find me eventually.

Jhope Point Of View

I'm worried about Kookie who I want to be my baby. I've been wanting to tell him but he's so focused on getting the routine down and the dance moves perfect I know it's not a good time.

When Kookie said that about Namjoon and I was shocked he answered back but it was also the truth that he said.

An hour or two passed and I got ready for bed. I was in bed on my phone when my door opened.

'Hey. Sorry to bother you but have you seen Kookie?' Tae asked.

'No not since dinner. He's probably still in the dance studio.' I said sitting up.

'Could you go and get him. He will listen to you.' Tae said but I laughed.

'He won't listen to me Tae Tae.' I said chuckling but stopped as I saw the look on Tae's face.

'I'm serious. He will. It's true that people listen to the person they trust but also to the person they are crushing on.' Tae said. My eyes widened.

'Your kidding.' I said shocked.

'I would never. Listen.' Tae said.

'I love Jhope. He's just perfect in every way. His kindness, personality, his happiness, everything.' I heard Kookie on Tae's phone.

'There's more.' Tae said when I was going to say something.

'The way his body moves to the music is just ohhh. I get turned on thinking of his body moves like that to music. What will his body move like in bed? Ohhh getting turned on.' Kookie said. I was absolutely speechless.

'Kookie got drunk with Jimin and I but he was wasted whereas Jimin and I were tispy. He probably doesn't remember saying that but it's the truth. He's told me different times how he feels.' Tae said.

'Omg. Omg. OMG.' I said jumping up and down on my bed.

'Hope that reaction means you like him as well.' Tae said and I nodded straight away.

'I love him.' I said.

'Go get him then. He will listen to you for many reasons.' Tae said and I nodded.

'Thank you Tae.' I said getting my slippers on.

'No problem. You would do it for me.' Tae said.

I got ready and got my bed ready. I left for the dance studio. The music was playing and I opened the door to see Kookie lying on the floor.

'Kookie?' I asked

...To Be Continued...

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