Monday Mornings = Frustration

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It was Monday, a school day for Y/N and Peter Parker.

As they climbed onto the bus, Y/N saw Flash wait until he had passed, Flash rarely ever picked on Y/N or at least he never picked on him on Monday's knowing that Y/N was already pissed off with it being Monday, but Peter on the other hand, everyone knew that aside from the social issues, Peter loved school. Y/N was like his brother, he loved school apart from the few social issues he had, like Flash's bullying on days that weren't Monday, his unsuccessful relationship with his best friend Kate, oh, and the big one, Ms Staunton, the biggest pain in Y/N's ass. In his first week Y/N had nearly come to blows with her, an argument with Flash had led to a fight with Flash running to his Mom and Dad, telling the biggest lie since OJ Simpson claimed he was innocent. As a result Staunton had warned all of Y/N's friends that if they were seen ever speaking to him again, she would see them in detention until they avoided him, thus beginning a feud between both teacher and student.

As Y/N passed Flash without concern he smiled at Kate who was sat at the back of the bus, that was when the thud came from over Y/N's shoulder. He turned to see Peter had been tripped up and landed face first. When he helped Peter to his feet Y/N gave a glare to Eugene that served as a stark reminder why Staunton had punished him in the first place.

"Knock it off Flash, just because your Mom and Dad made you get the bus with the rest of us instead of driving you to school, doesn't mean you can take it out on us." Y/n said as Flash clenched his fists, something that Y/N noticed. "And stop clenching your fists dipshit, we both know how it ended last time we had a fight."

When Y/N reached the back of the bus he sat down next to his best friends Kate Bishop and Gwen Stacy.

When the bus arrived in school, Staunton was stood there as usual with her usual stern look. She had a voice Y/N could only describe as a high pitched, female version of Rowan Atkinson's voice, as if she didn't get under his skin enough, that voice made him want to punch a wall until his knuckles bled, it would be less painful than her voice. He hated everything about her. She in turn hated him with a passion that some long time parents could only dream of sharing in bed. She hated him more than Flash hated Peter, and that was saying a lot. Y/N just walked past her and to his locker where he sorted his books into the locker before heading to his first and easily one of his favourite lessons English, Y/N loved reading books, writing them, the longer the book, usually the better, for him, the school library had given him a job working there, it was hardly going to make him richer than Tony Stark, but it helped May with the rent.

As he sat in the English Class waiting for the other students and for the teacher to arrive, Y/N was reading a Harry Potter book, May had bought him the collection for his birthday that had just passed, and threatened him into accepting the gift when he tried to tell her she shouldn't have spent so much on him.

As he sat reading the book he heard the door open and in walked a woman who Y/N had never seen before, she was struggling with all of the boxes and books she was carrying while trying to get through the door while on the phone.

"No, Nat trust me, I'll be fine, a good book, and all that, sounds like my idea of heaven." The woman said, Y/N put the bookmark in his book and approached her.

"Here, let me." Y/N said as he took the two biggest cases and carried them over to the teachers desk, the teacher was so absorbed in her phone call she didn't notice when Y/N had spoken, nor did she notice him even being there.

"I'll be fine, you focus on your subject- ah!" The teacher cried out as Y/N took the last box. "I'm fine, just caught by surprise, I didn't notice a student helping me until they took the boxes off me. See you later."

The Teacher, in her surprise had accidentally launched the box of evidently heavy books into the air. With the books plummeting to the floor Y/N grabbed a desk and used it to catch all of the books some piling on top of one another.

 With the books plummeting to the floor Y/N grabbed a desk and used it to catch all of the books some piling on top of one another

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"Sorry for surprising you." Y/N said kindly as he put the table down gently and took the piles of books over to the teachers desk.

"You're, wow you're really early. English your favourite subject or something?"

"One of 'em. I'm Y/N, Y/N Parker." Y/N said as the teacher smiled.

"Professor McGonagall." The teacher said as Y/N raised his eyebrow.

"Can you turn into a cat?" Y/N asked with a smirk as McGonagall chuckled.

"I'm well aware that I my second name with a character from Harry Potter, I'm not a witch though." McGonagall said as Staunton walked into the room.

"Ah, Professor McGonagall...Parker, what are you doing here?" Staunton said as Y/N looked at her.

"I decided to turn up early for class, get some reading done while it was quiet." Y/N said bluntly. Staunton looked down at Y/N's desk, closest to the door and saw Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone on the desk. She let out her little teeth grinding squeak of a single laugh.

"A Children's book. Aren't you a little old for that Parker." Staunton said as Y/N smiled at a comeback he had thought of but he was biting his tongue.

"I could try bringing in Playboy magazine of 50 shades of grey tomorrow if you think that would be more appropriate for someone my age." Y/N said with a bit of sass in his voice.

"Nonsense, I was merely stating that it's a bit silly to be reading a stupid childrens book."

"Just cause you look like the evil teacher from the fifth film doesn't mean you have to be like her." Y/N remarked as Staunton smiled. "Besides, the last person who limited what people were allowed to read had a stupid moustache and one ball, you've probably got two and you need to trim your moustache to look like the book burner."

Staunton picked up the book and looked at the back she opened the front cover and saw a birthday note from May before smiling.

"Come to my office at the end of the day, if you stay out of trouble you can have it back." Staunton said as McGonagall looked shocked. "When Staunton walked out Y/N sighed."

"Toad faced old hag." Y/N muttered to himself as he sat down and got his writing booklet out.

"Is she allowed to do that?" McGonagall asked in disbelief as Y/N nodded.

"Yep, she's head of year, and a religion teacher, works with Brother Peter, he's the same, shady man too. We're all convinced he's on a register." Y/N said as McGonagall looked at him.

"They're my colleagues."

"My pity for you, a lot of the teachers here are nice, kind, like you, some...well they're certain adjectives I'm not allowed to say in present company." Y/N said as McGonagall nodded.

Students filled into the room and McGonagall began the lesson as introducing herself as the new English teacher, with the previous teacher suddenly winning the lottery.

A Witch and Two Spiders [Spider-man reader x Wanda Maximoff x Natasha Romanoff]Where stories live. Discover now