You Can't Handle the Truth!

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When Wanda and Nat arrived at the compound they carried Y/N into the medical room where Bruce looked at them in pure surprise.

"Wanda, what are you do-Why are you carrying Spider-Man?" Bruce asked as Wanda put him on the medical table.

"Just save him, don't take off the mask." Wanda said as Bruce looked over to Nat who nodded.

"If anyone finds out about this they're gonna be pissed." Bruce warned as Nat and Wanda looked at each other.

"We'll handle that. Please, just save him." Wanda said as Bruce began to get his medical equipment.

"I'll do what I can, for now go outside. Try and keep the others out of the room." Bruce ordered as he began working on Y/N, Wanda didn't want to leave but Natasha took him outside.

As they were stood outside, Wanda explained everything to Nat, she tried going into the theatre when Y/N screamed out in agony.

"No, Wanda. You're no good to him right now, let Banner work." Nat said as Stark arrived.

"Red Russia, Ms Granger, what are you two doing here? Aren't you both on missions?" Tony asked as a scream came from the room. "What's going on in there?"

"Promise you won't freak out?" Wanda asked as Tony walked in and saw Spider-Man on the table being operated on.

"Oh, come on! Really?"

"Hear us out, the news, he didn't attack those cops. I've seen it in his memories. He's not the enemy. HYDRA tortured him, branded him with their logo. Tony, please, just give him a chance. Tony, he's been through a lot." Wanda said as Tony looked in and saw the boy laying on a table.

"He wearing a hoodie as a hero suit?" Tony asked.

"Yeah, he's not a billionaire Tony." Natasha said as Stark looked at her.

"I'll leave you both to it." Stark said as Wanda looked to Nat.

"Tony, wait. You mind just staying with us, the more people who believe him the better, plus he's kind of a genius, might be smarter than you or Bruce." Nat said as Stark looked at her.

"Okay, colour me intrigued. What's his name?" Tony said as Wanda looked at him.

"Y/N Parker." Wanda answered as Tony looked up Y/N's records.

"Scores on mocks say he's not to bright."

"He only cares about the final assessments that mean something." Wanda said as Tony smirked.

"Tell you what, when he wakes up, I'll give him an assessment sheet for the stark internship." Tony said as Wanda nodded. Then Steve arrived.

"Nat, Wanda. Thought you two were on an undercover op?"

"We still are but we're seeing to something else right now, Rogers." Nat said as Steve looked in at Bruce patching up Spider-Man.

"What the hell are you doing bringing a wanted criminal here and helping them?!"

"He's innocent." Wanda said as Steve glared at her.

"Quiet, you're not off the hook for that crap you pulled on me in Africa-"

"Come on, really? She's suffered enough for that! She's lost her Brother, she doesn't need you running your mouth off at her." Tony said as Steve looked to him.

"You're okay with this? Someone with a HYDRA brand on their back, who has half the NYPD on their back who until recently was a suspect, you're fine with that?"

"Yeah, I am, now go and cool off Steve!" Tony said as Steve stormed off.

"That went well." Nat remarked as she looked to Wanda. "Tony, you mind looking after him? Me and Wanda need to have a talk, girl-to-girl."

"Sure." Stark said as he looked through the glass window at Y/N on the operating table.

Nat and Wanda found a quiet place to talk, not that it would be quiet for long.

"Why the hell didn't you tell me about him?!" Nat yelled.

"Because I thought it was best to keep his secret, gain his trust." Wanda said as Natasha looked at her.

"Oh, come on. You know that's bullshit. You're emotionally attached to him aren't you?" Natasha said as she looked at Wanda.

"I admit, I have some feelings for him, but not like you." Wanda said as Natasha scoffed at her. "I know you feel the same about him."

"I told you to never read my mind-"

"I didn't need to, the long stares in class, the look in your eyes when you look at him. You're no different Natasha, we both want him, and we both want each other." Wanda said as Natasha shook her head.

"This has nothing to do with that, I want the truth about why you hid him from me!"

"You can't handle the truth!" Wanda snapped.

"The truth is that I promised to keep his identity secret, and I tried to keep it secret to protect you! If they found out who Spider-Mans favourite teachers were, they wouldn't hesitate to kill us both, I couldn't bare losing you

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"The truth is that I promised to keep his identity secret, and I tried to keep it secret to protect you! If they found out who Spider-Mans favourite teachers were, they wouldn't hesitate to kill us both, I couldn't bare losing you." Wanda said as Nat looked shocked. She walked away leaving Wanda to walk back to Y/N, alone...

A Witch and Two Spiders [Spider-man reader x Wanda Maximoff x Natasha Romanoff]Where stories live. Discover now