Part Man, Part Spider...All Cop

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When he arrived at Yuri's home, Y/N decided knocking on the front door was his best course of action, he knocked and waited, with Yuri stepping out to look at him.

When he arrived at Yuri's home, Y/N decided knocking on the front door was his best course of action, he knocked and waited, with Yuri stepping out to look at him

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[Introducing Karen Fukuhara as Yuri Watanabe]

"Stacy said you'd be coming, come in." Yuri said as she allowed Y/N into the house.

"Nice place." Y/N said as he looked around.

"Thanks, it's not mine, It's my mom's." Yuri said as Y/N nodded.

"Stacy mentioned your people being held hostage, any idea where?" Y/N asked as Yuri turned and looked at him.

"You must be crazy. Offering to go into a HYDRA facility and rescue my family when we've only just met."

"I dress up in red and blue spandex, jump from tall buildings, swing from webs and fight/arrest  criminals every day. Crazy is kind of my thing." Y/N said as Yuri chuckled.

"You're not a cop, so technically it's not an arrest." Yuri said as the eyes on his mask narrowed.

"I'm not a cop true, I'm a Spider-Cop." Y/N said as Yuri shook her head.

"I'm entrusting my family's life to an idiot." Yuri said as Y/N smiled under the mask.

"Last I heard, they're being held at a construction sight downtown. I would go there myself, but, they'll see me coming from a mile out and I'm one person." Yuri said as Y/N nodded.

"Is it this one?" Y/N asked as he pointed at it on a map.

"Yeah, why?"

"Because source told me that's where my next lead is, If I get your family back for you, can you help clear my name?"

"Get em back and if you want a medal I'll pin it on your damn chest myself."

"She better back off, his chest is my territory." Wanda's voice came over coms.

"Just clearing my name will do." Y/N said as he turned and headed for the door.

"Good luck, whoever you are under that mask." Yuri said as Y/N nodded before using his webs to slingshot into the air and swing off, with his objective in mind...he was on a rescue mission...

A Witch and Two Spiders [Spider-man reader x Wanda Maximoff x Natasha Romanoff]Where stories live. Discover now