New Teachers Everywhere

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Through out the English lesson, Y/N noticed McGonagall keeping an eye on everyone, like she was assessing them on something other than their Literacy ability, he also noticed that she was paying particular attention to him, she had been since he caught the books on the table earlier.

As Y/N set about a creative writing task, which was easy, by the end of the lesson he had produced a ten page story and handed it to McGonagall who took the story and began reading through it while she sorted everyone else's into a pile.

"What subject do you have next?" McGonagall asked as she put the story down on the table.

"History Miss." Y/N said as he saw it coming.

"Okay, I'll write out a note for Miss Rushman." McGonagall said as Y/N nodded.

"Detention in my first lesson with the new teacher, that's a record." Y/N said to himself hearing the door close behind him from the rest of the class leaving.

"I'm not keeping you behind for detention Y/N, I'm sure a few other teachers will be asking the same of you today. I just want to get to know a few members of my class. You seem to know a few people in the class, and I saw that you had noticed me assessing you all." McGonagall said as Y/N nodded. "If you were keen eyed enough to notice that then you should be able to give me a rundown of everyone in the class, let's start with Eugene."

"Rich boy with a serious chip on his shoulder, and a complete A-hole." Y/N said as McGonagall gave a small smile.

"What makes you say that last comment?"

"He's the school bully, and he's untouchable because his parents are rich enough to make sure he stays out of trouble, hence why Staunton hates me." Y/N said as McGonagall nodded, taking notes down.

"Gwen Stacy?"

"Best friend since Elementary. She's one of the few people willing to stick by me through thick and thin." Y/N said as McGonagall nodded.

"Michelle Jones?"

"Best friend, we call each other brother and sister because we've practically grown up together. Peter had a crush on her last year, they were good for a while but they broke up, it was fine they both decided friends was best for them both." Y/N said as McGonagall nodded.

"Okay, you're running late, give the note there to Miss Rushman." McGonagall said as Y/N nodded. "Good work today Y/N, I'll be sure to mark this by the time we have our next lesson."

"Thank you Miss." Y/N said as he slung his bag over his shoulder and smiled at her before heading out of the class and down the corridor to the History lesson. "Sorry I'm late, Ma'am. Miss McGonagall said to give you this."

"All right, sit down. Y/N Parker right, stay behind after class, I'll catch you up on what you missed. Ms Rushman will do thanks, don't Ma'am me please, I could still outrun most of you." Ms Rushman said as Y/N nodded and sat down. "Okay, let's see where you were at, since you were late Parker, you get first question, what subject were you all studying?"

"The Cold War, Ms."

"Thank you, perhaps you can answer the next. What was the last key event that you studied?"

"We haven't started yet, we were told to listen to We Didn't start the Fire by Billy Joel in order to get some dates down." Y/N said as Flash Groaned along with a few other members of the class.

"Come on Y/N, really. Idiot!" Flash complained as Y/N looked at him.

"I think you're projecting a bit there Flash." Y/N said as Ms Rushman was impressed by the comeback.

"Enough you two. So you had homework? That right Parker?" Rushman said as Y/N nodded.

"Yes Ms."

"Did you do it?" Rushman asked as Y/N nodded.

"Yes Ms Rushman." Y/N said as she approached him, her long flowing red locks of hair catching Y/N's eye. She held out her hand and Y/N handed the the work, looking at her as he noticed she was glancing at him from the pages every now and then.

"This is...really good. You use google or something?"

"No Ms, books. I don't know Petes computer Password." Y/N said as Peter looked at him.

"Wait, you know about my computer is the more important thing."

"Yeah, why, you hiding something?" Y/N teased as Rushman smiled.

"He's a teenage boy with a private laptop, of course he's hiding something." Rushman chuckled as everyone giggled, Peter tried to deny it all but Rushman stopped his frantic squirming. "Relax kid, I'm joking."

After lesson, in which Y/N and the class were writing essays about Chuchills Iron curtain speech, Y/N handed in his 12 page essay and waited for everyone to leave, expecting a detention regardless of the note from McGonagall.

"Now, Mr Parker. I'm looking at your grades from Elementary here, they're excellent, and yet when I checked your behaviour record, I'd predict that you're gonna be out of school before the year ends. Your grades in the tests here have been barely scraping by. Want to explain? You're not stupid, that much is clear from your elementary grades, from the fact you're here, this is quite a prestigious school, you clearly know your stuff from what I've seen of your class work and Homework."

"I don't see why I should stress over grades that don't matter, I'll stress over the final assessments. Not these though." Y/N said as Rushman nodded.

"Well, I've got a proposition for you. Me and Professor McGonagall disagree with your sentiment, we thing all your grades are important, so, we're going to help you achieve them without stressing yourself, extra tuition after school on Tuseday and Thursday, we'll help you with any homework you need to complete, help you with any studying you feel like doing and in return, we ask a few very simple things, one, always tell us the truth when we ask a question, two, you put effort into the mock assessments. Tell you what, you get good grades from the assessments, and we'll think of a reward for you."


"Yes, you said you didn't have a computer of your own to get research from, we'll pitch in, me and McGonagall, we'll buy you a decent laptop to help you study." Nat said as Y/N looked at her.


"Is it that hard to believe?" Rushman said as Y/N nodded.

"Around here, yeah."

"Moot point, do you agree?" Rushman said as Y/N thought about it for a moment.

"All right, deal." Y/N said Rushman offered her hand and Y/N shook it.

"Okay, first though, before the studying on your side, I need your help with some homework, I need to know my class, can you take me through them all please?" Rushman said as she pulled out the register and a notepad, listing the names off and writing Y/N's interpretations of them down in the notepad...

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