The Truth...

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It was Friday, and Y/N had English with McGonagall as last lesson of the day, McGonagall was acting oddly since she walked into the class, strangely, her top three buttons were undone on her shirt, she seemed to be slightly more flirtatious with Y/N before the students arrived in class, and when she found him outside her class before lesson they both went to open the door, their hands touching and they gazed into one another's eyes Y/N feeling a strange warmth as he looked at her.

"Y/N, can you stay behind today for a tuition session on something, I need to go through some questions with you, since you bailed halfway through yesterday." McGonagall said as Y/N nodded.

When the lesson was over Y/N looked at her as she pulled up a chair and sat opposite him.

"I noticed your reaction yesterday. When Brother Peter walked in to the room. Can you tell me why you reacted like that? Just between you and me."

"I can't, you'll call me a liar like the rest. Or he'll tell everyone the truth about me." Y/N said as he began trying to grab his bag, he walked out of the class and McGonagall followed him, she knew she couldn't let this go until he answered, she tailed him and followed him as he ran to a nearby alley, she managed to creep up and get a look at his back, a large mark burned into it, the HYDRA logo. He managed to duck around a corner and she lost him as she tried following him, he had seemingly disappeared when she heard a noise from above her.


She looked up and saw a streak of red and blue swing past her she ran out into the street to see the red and blue figure swing from building to building, she had a sneaking suspicion who was under the mask but knew she couldn't act on it until they next met. She just looked up at the figure swinging away and watched them for a moment before beginning to walk back to her apartment.

 She just looked up at the figure swinging away and watched them for a moment before beginning to walk back to her apartment

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Meanwhile Y/N was swinging through the city, thanking his lucky stars no one saw him change in such a hurry, he had no time to check for witnesses, he had a notification from his phone of a robbery. As he ran across the rooftops, sending his webs onto buildings to swing from he enjoyed the wind going through his mask as he bound around the city, he was in the middle of swinging from a web when he felt the web get cut, plummeted down onto a rooftop, landing and hitting his back on a vent.

"Agh, my back, my back." Y/N remarked to himself as he flopped face first into a puddle, the water soaking through his mask and hoodie.

As he looked up he saw them, a group of HYDRA soldiers, he tried to stand up but was shoved to the floor by the ringleader who picked him up with ease. As he was thrown into the floor Y/N felt a slight crack under him, he looked to see the roof had a crack in it, he used his webbing to patch it up as a kick hit him in the face, sending him flying into the vent.

The ring leader approached, knowing he wouldn't win this fight Y/N tried to escape, feeling his chest tighten but he was man handled by his attacker, and thrown across the street onto another roof, the soldiers all leapt across a 60 ft gap and landed with a huge thud. As Y/N climbed to his feet, the ringleader approached him and punched Y/N again, his movement too fast for Y/N's reflexes, it was like a blur.

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