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Y/N walked home and knocked on the door to Mays apartment, it opened and Y/N saw a look that made him know he was in trouble.

May stepped out of the way of the door and allowed Y/N into the apartment.

"You wanna explain why I had a call from school telling me you beat up a kid?" May said as Y/N looked at her.

"Not really." Y/N said bluntly as he went to walk away.

"It was a rhetorical question."

"Meaning it doesn't need an answer. Therefore I'm not giving one." Y/N said as he opened the door to his and Peters room but May stopped him.

"Y/N you're getting into all sorts of trouble at school, you're acting odd, talk to me, what's up?" May said as Y/N looked at her. "Please, I know I'm not your mother, I know that..."

"Then stop trying to be! All right, I don't need a lecture every time i get into trouble with Flash, I don't need people constantly ripping my head off because I stood up for myself in self defence. He struck first and I fought back, there's your damn explanation, happy?!"

"I'm not saying you shouldn't defend yourself Y/N-"

"Then maybe you should ease up off my back about it! You'd think by now you'd know that I don't go looking for fights in school." Y/N snapped as May nodded.

"Look, I just...I'm worried about you, all these fights recently, all this trouble with your grades, your hot temper when people try and talk to you about it...I'm worried about you, Peter is too." May said as Y/N shook his head.

"I'm going for some air." Y/N said as he walked back out the apartment and down onto the street.

Y/N was sitting on a bench in Central park as he tried to think. He regretted being so horrible to May, he knew she was only trying to help, but he couldn't hack it anymore, he'd had enough lectures on his behaviour, from teachers, from Ben when he was alive, from May, it seemed that whenever Flash attacked him everyone seemed to look at him as if he caused it, like they all blamed him for fighting back.

As he sat on a bench kicking the dirt he heard footsteps approach and turned to see Gwen's father, George, approaching. Immediately Y/N stood up from his seat at attention, George smiled at him and gestured for him to sit down.

 Immediately Y/N stood up from his seat at attention, George smiled at him and gestured for him to sit down

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Introducing Jeffrey Dean Morgan as George Stacy

"Siddown kid." Stacy said as he took a seat next to Y/N. "Your Aunt's worried sick about ya kid. What happened?"

"I had a fight in school." Y/N said as Stacy nodded.

"Flash?" Stacy asked almost rhetorically from the amount of fights Y/N and Flash had had with one another.

"Flash." Y/N confirmed as Stacy nodded. "Gwen told you I'm guessin'."

A Witch and Two Spiders [Spider-man reader x Wanda Maximoff x Natasha Romanoff]Where stories live. Discover now