Mission Gone Wrong...

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As Y/N walked into the office with Brother Peter he heard a faint voice through static.

"kzztk...kid...you...zzztk...something....-amming com....hear...?" Wanda's voice came through in his earpiece as Y/N realised that they couldn't get the recording, something was jamming the wire.

"So, Mr Parker. You know the drill, you kneel and repent." Brother Peter said as Y/N stayed standing.

"I prefer to prey while standing." Y/N deadpanned as he reasoned that the jammed coms would bring Wanda or Nat to the office to help him out of the situation,  all he had to do was hold out until then.

"Y/N, the more you fight...the longer it will last." Brother Peter said as he began undoing his belt.

"This is not going to end how you want." Y/N said as he glared at the man.

"Oh it will, Mr Parker. Or else, I will tell the whole world who you really are." Brother Peter said as Y/N looked at him. "And your fall from glory will be quite drastic."

"As long as I pull you down to hell with me, I don't care. I've made arrangements to protect my family. Have you made arrangements to protect you and your friends."

"Open you're shirt Parker." Brother Peter said as Y/N shook his head.

"Drop dead." Y/N said as he took a belt buckle being smacked into his face, Y/N didn't even flinch. "You can hit me all you want. You can try and do a repeat performance, but I promise you...the bill is going to come due, and I'm the fucker delivering it. I will personally ensure you spend your life in prison."

A punch came in and knocked Y/N to the floor, Y/N looked up at Brother Peter's fist glowing crimson red. As Brother Peter was about to pounce on top of Y/N, a knock came on the door, Brother Peter was quick to tidy himself up before dragging Y/N to his feet and answering the door. 


"So sorry to disturb you Brother Peter, but might I relieve you of Mr Parker here, he and I need to have a little chat. Don't worry, I'll issue whatever detention you have planned for him." Wanda said as Y/N followed Wanda. Looking over his shoulder at Brother Peter who was grinning inanely at Y/N who followed Wanda out to the car park where they both got into the car and she drove him back to the compound, giving him a paper bag as he was sick into it. "He didn't manage to..."

"No. But I learned something...I think Brother Peter has powers. His fist glowed red when he punched me, like he had your powers light up his fist." Y/N said as Wanda looked at him.

"He did that to you?"

"Yeah, hit me with a belt and them punched me. I am going to take him down, Wanda, I am, and I'm also going to prove my theory right. I promise you that." Y/N said as he clenched one fist while holding the bag and throwing up into it.

"All right, you get the day off work if you want. Me and Nat will be home later, you should check up on Gwen, she must be feeling homesick." Wanda said as she parked out at the entrance to the compound and helped him into the common room. Steve was there and saw Y/N looking grim.

"Woah, hey, is he alright?" Steve asked as Wanda looked at him. "What happened?"

"That's for Y/N to decide if he's willing to tell you."  Wanda said as Steve looked at Y/N and then to Wanda before nodding, he helped Y/N sit down and began trying his best to comfort Y/N.

A Witch and Two Spiders [Spider-man reader x Wanda Maximoff x Natasha Romanoff]Where stories live. Discover now