A Poly-Atomic Situation

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As Y/N swung through the city he could hear the cop cars in the distance reporting to the sound of gunfire at the construction sight, he chuckled to himself.

"Wonder if they know they're arresting their own guys." Y/N thought out loud as he arrived at the Compound, slipping out of his suit and into some ordinary clothes. As he walked down into the compound he heard yelling coming from Nat and Wanda's room.

"Woah, woah, woah! What's going on?!" Y/N asked as he walked into the room to see Wanda and Natasha both look at him.

"Wanda here wants to break up with me...and date you."

"You wanted to do the same!" Wanda snapped back at Nat who looked at her.

"Um, what? Why would you want to date me instead of each other, you two are perfect for one another, at least I think you are. You're both kind, loving, scary as hell when you're pissed off..."

"Language!" Rogers reminded as he passed the room with some food.

"Freakin' English!" Y/N shouted out at him before turning to the two women. "I mean, it's not like I don't want to date either of you, you're both fantastic, but I don't want to be a homewrecker on the perfect couple. Like I was saying, you're both kind, loving, scary as hell when you're angry, really, really...um, pretty, and a bunch of other things. Even if you both broke up, I still wouldn't be able to date you, because that would be me saying I like one over the other and that's a lie. I find you both equally amazing, and I'm not to great with girls so you'll regret it anyway."

Y/N looked nervous as Wanda and Nat looked at one another.

"I'll, um, leave you both to talk it out." Y/N said as he left and headed to his room, just down the next to Wanda's old room, he his room up and began to go through some homework he still had from earlier in the school week. He was in the middle of working on his creative writing assignment when he sensed someone behind him, he turned in a flash and was ready for an attack when he saw it was Tony.

"Homework?" Tony asked as Y/N nodded.

"For Wanda, or should I say, Professor McGonagall." Y/N said as Tony chuckled.

"So, they still have you doing that, other kids must seem lucky now, at least they can take a sick day off and avoid her, you can't even do that." Tony said as Y/N smiled.

"They still arguing?" Y/N asked as he turned back around and began writing.

"Don't know, they're not as loud as they were before, and it seems like they're just talking now, but what about? We're all too scared to try and find out, even Clint won't go in the vents and spy on them." Tony said as Y/N nodded.

"Yeah, they're scary when they're pissed." Y/N said as he continued writing.

"You know what they're arguing about."

"Yes but I'm not going behind their backs and telling anyone if that's what you're asking." Tony said as Y/N turned over to the next page.

"All right. Just, keep an eye on 'em for me will ya. Keep them safe." Tony said as he left Y/N smirked before he kept writing.

After about an hour, Y/N heard a knock on the door, he turned around and saw Natasha stood with Wanda peeking out from over her shoulder.

"Mind if we talk?" Nat asked.

"If you want." Y/N said as he gestured for them both to sit down. "What's up?"

"Me and Wanda have been talking, we don't want to break up, but at the same time, we just...we can't ignore how we feel. So, Wanda has suggested a polyamorous relationship if you'd be up to it, or you can just reject us and we'll just stay friends." Nat said as Y/N looked confused.

"Wait, are...are you asking me to be both a boyfriend to you and Wanda?" Y/N asked nervously.

"Yeah, only if that's something you'd consent to though, we'd never want you to feel forced or anything like that." Wanda said as Y/N looked at her.

"What about when we're in school, if someone finds out your cover's gone." Y/N said as Nat and Wanda smiled.

"I think all three of us have proven that we're good at keeping secrets." Nat said as Y/N looked at them. "We can give you time to think about it, I know it must seem a bit overwhelming."

"No, not that much, well, sort of, but...just a bit overwhelming." Y/N said nervously as Natasha smiled. "All right, can we just start it out as like...I don't know a trial run, nothing too serious...no that sounds bad, um..."

"You mean just time to see how it feels and if you're ready to make the leap into a formal relationship?"

"Sort of...like, the stage before being officially boyfriend and girlfriend, but you're dating, if you know what I mean. Um, I'm trying to think of a better explanation."

"Use you and Kate as an example or something." Nat said as Y/N took a breath. 

"Uh, right. So when it was me and Kate, there was like this time where almost everyone in the school knew we were together, you know, PDA, dating and all that, but it wasn't too serious like."

"Ah, now I get you." Wanda said as she tapped her temple and looked at Y/N. "I can see why he was having difficulty with explaining it. I'll show you it."

Wanda showed Nat what Y/N meant and the Russian redhead nodded for a moment before realizing.

"So just testing the waters? Trying to see if you want to take the next step and everything like that?" Nat asked as Y/N nodded. "Sure, I can get why you'd want that, Wanda, what about you?"

"This is a big thing for all of us Nat, I agree, we should all first see that it suits us before committing." Wanda said as Nat nodded.

"So, we're agreed. Baby steps." Nat said as Y/N and Wanda nodded.

Nat and Wanda both hugged Y/N gingerly returned the hug.

"Seriously though, that thing you keep calling me in Russian, what are you calling me?" Y/N asked.

"детка паук? (Baby Spider?)" Natasha asked as Y/N nodded. "Well, my 'super-name' is Black Widow, a type of Spider, and you're another spider themed hero, so, you're like the детка паук (Baby Spider). It's Russian for Baby Spider."

"So what are you? Мама Паук? (Mama Spider?)" Y/N said as Natasha chuckled.

"Oh no, Y/N, you may have just awakened her kink." Wanda said as Nat smirked.

"She awakened mine first." Y/N tried to respond as Nat looked hungry.

"What one?"

"I like the Russian Pet name thing, and...Wanda's accent when it thickens." Y/N confessed as Natasha smiled. She had a glint in her eyes.

"Don't worry my cute little Spider, we'll find your kinks later, and maybe you'll find some of ours, first though, I hear Professor McGonagall wants to read over what looks like a novel and mark it. I'll leave you both to it, and Y/N...remember, this relationship doesn't change that you have to go to school and behave in our lessons." Nat said as she left, winking at both Y/N and Wanda before the door closed.

"So what's this story you've written Dorogay? (Dear)" Wanda asked as Y/N presented her with a story over 200 pages long. "What's the title?"

Y/N began the long explanation as Wanda listened attentively.

"It's called 'The Witch and the Wolf'. It's a cross over between..."

A Witch and Two Spiders [Spider-man reader x Wanda Maximoff x Natasha Romanoff]Where stories live. Discover now