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When Y/N woke up, he saw Kate had called him. Thinking it was another break in Y/N phoned her immediately and to check if she was all right. As he phoned Kate he looked to a notice on the table telling him not to sit on the common room sofa, signed by cap.

"I've been calling, I was worried about from the news!" Kate said as Y/N winced, he hated pissing Kate off.

"It's complicated, I'm fine, I got patched up. Are...are you okay?"

"I am now that I know you're not dead. I thought...I saw you hurt on the TV and then you disappear, I get a text asking for me to cover for you and then you ghost my calls, I thought you'd died." 

"I'm fine, look, Kate, I might need you to cover me for a while longer." Y/N said as he could almost hear Kates brows furrow.

"What are you doing?" Kate asked.

"I'm kind with the Avengers."

"The Avengers!" Kate exclaimed in excitement.

"Ow, ssshhh, keep it down!" Y/N remarked as Kate pressed the button to swap over to a video call.

When Kate saw Y/N's face on the phone screen she looked worried.

"Holy. what the hell happened?" Kate asked.

"Well, I got shot and let go of a web, I fell down into an alleyway and hit a dumpster and a bin." Y/N said as Kate felt herself holding back tears.

"What are we gonna do, Y/N?" Kate asked as she looked at her best friend and saw the bandage on his stomach.

"I'm gonna be here for a few days training, getting my strength back, and then, I'm gonna clear my name." Y/N said as he put on a black sweatshirt.

"We, Y/N you can't do this alone." Kate said as Y/N smiled.

"Don't you worry, Kate, I have a feeling I'm not alone." Y/N said as he webbed a vent cover and pulled it off the ceiling, causing Clint to fall from the ceiling.

"Is that Hawkeye?!" Kate said excitedly. "Wait, do you have a room in the compound?"

"Meh, sort of. What were you doing in the vents?"

"I heard voices in here, so I was checking up to make sure it was fine. Who's this."

"Um, this is my best friend...Kate Bishop."

"You don't need to say my full name, you know I hate the full name anyway."

"Funny, when we were together you couldn't get enough of me saying your name." Y/N said as Kate smirked.

"Different contexts and circumstances. And stop! You're embarrassing me in front of him." Kate said as Y/N chuckled.

"Kate's a huge fan, ace Archer too, bet she could give you a good run for your money." Y/N said as Kate looked shocked.

"Judging by the amount of archery trophies, I'm inclined to believe you." Barton said. "Nat said to meet her for training."

"Sure. Later Kate, please. Just cover for me for a few days." Y/N pleaded as Kate thought.

"I could try but what if she really needs to see you, or if she asks mom if she's seen you in the apartment?" Kate said.

"You'll think of something, you've got a very creative mind." Y/N said as he smirked. "Later Kate."

With that Y/N ended the call and looked to Clint.

"Best friend?"

"Also my ex." Y/N said as Clint chuckled.

A Witch and Two Spiders [Spider-man reader x Wanda Maximoff x Natasha Romanoff]Where stories live. Discover now