Til Proven Guilty

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After a few hours, Bruce was finished with helping Y/N. He had noticed the boys wounds started healing slowly almost immediately after removing the bullets. Bruce stepped out into the corridor and saw everyone arguing.

"He's stable and healing fast, he'll live." Bruce said as Nat and Wanda gave a grateful nod.

"Bruce, what do you think of this?" Steve asked as Bruce looked at him.

"I don't believe he's a criminal, I trust Wanda and Nat's judgement."

"So you're fine with half the city wanting to arrest him? You're fine helping a fugitive?" Steve said as Bruce looked at him.

"I'm fine with the Hippocratic oath." Bruce said bluntly as Steve looked at him. "You seriously believe that he's a criminal. He's been shot by the cops and not once today has he attacked one."

"He's got a point, we've all seen the TV Steve, the footage of him fighting in that bank. He could easily take them boys in blue." Tony said as Steve shook his head.

"He was focused on getting away and we've just provided him with a haven from the cops." Steve argued as Natasha groaned.

"ENOUGH!" Nat yelled, she looked at Steve with her signature death glare. "Like it or not Steve, he's staying here, I believe he's innocent. I know this kid, I've spend the past few weeks working with him, tutoring him, I've seen him take beatings in school, that whole time he's been holding back and taking the beatings or only giving as good as he got. Now you can go and sit your old ass in a corner and sulk if you want, but he's staying until he's fit enough to leave."


"Shut the fuck up." Wanda snapped as Steve looked at her.

"Quiet you-"

"Was that a comeback? I told you to shut the fuck up!" Wanda said as she tilted her head, her eyes flashing red. Tony slowly moved to hide behind Natasha.

"The kid stays. That's the end of the discussion." Clint said as he stood next to Wanda and Nat.

Steve shook his head and walked off with a rage.

An hour later, as most of the team were sat looking at Y/N's records, they heard a scream before they heard things falling on the ground.

Wanda rushed in first and saw Y/N sticking to the ceiling.

"Where am I, Professor?" Y/N asked as Wanda tried calming him.

"You're at my friends clinic. Don't worry, your secrets safe." Wanda said as Y/N noticed the group of people in the doorway.

"Wait, what's Tony Stark doing here? And Bruce Banner? What are they--why am I in my underwear?" Y/N asked as Wanda grabbed some blue sweatpants and passed them to Y/N who webbed them to and pulled them over to him before pulling the web off and putting them on.

"There's something we need to talk about, and they know your name." Wanda said as Y/N looked alarmed even under the mask they could tell. 


"Woah, woah, woah! Hey, Y/N, calm down bud. We're trying to prove you're innocent." Stark said as Y/N looked at him.

"My shirt...you've seen my back?" Y/N said as Tony nodded.

"Yeah. Wanda told us about it, she kept some details secret, but she's told us it was done unwillingly." Tony said as Y/N dropped down from the ceiling and looked at them all. "I believe her, most of us trust her judgement, Cap doesn't but he'll come around. Most of the team think you're innocent. Nat and Wanda are certain you're not HYDRA or a criminal."

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