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Y/N breezed through the day, with Flash glaring daggers at him from time to time, but he mostly ignored it. Science was as always a doddle for Y/N and Peter, they were both top of the class for science, with Y/N being more willing to study it since he was bitten by the spider and decided he would become Spider-Man, he needed the web shooters, and he had to build them himself, that was one thing Y/N had noticed was special about himself even before the spider bite, he was a fast learner, mainly because he was good at studying. His passion for reading and writing translated into an excellent ability to study and memorise things.

The final bell of the day went and Peter approached him.

"You go without me Pete, I've got tuition today." Y/N said as Pete looked at him.


"Yeah. Staunton took my reading book off me and said I need to behave in order to get it back, so I'm gonna put her to shame with grades." Y/N half-lied.

"All right, I'll tell May you're gonna be home later. You know she'll want to talk to you about the fight."

"I know. Let me worry about that." Y/N said as he and Peter fist bumped before going their separate ways.

As Y/N walked through the corridors he saw Staunton patrolling the corridors.

"Parker, what are you doing here after school? Up to no good are you?" Staunton said as Y/N looked at her.

"No, I'm in extra tuition now for English." Y/N said calmly as he looked her in the eyes.

"Really. Do you expect me to believe you of all people would be able to get extra tuition, who would waste their time on someone so hopeless." Staunton said as Y/N looked at her.

"Well, I'm wasting my time on talking to you so there's one already." Y/N said as Staunton went red in the face and looked fit to burst until McGonagall spoke.

"Ah, there you are Mr. Parker. You're nearly late, not a good impression."

"Sorry Professor, Miss Staunton here was wondering why I wasn't going home yet." Y/N said as McGonagall.

"He's in tuition with me and Natalie. We specialise in those people see as "hopeless"." McGonagall said with a hint of sass in her voice, Staunton was about to speak when McGonagall spoke first. "If you'll excuse us, we're really running late now. Come on, Mr. Parker."

As they walked away from Staunton, Y/N looked over his shoulder and saw she looked like she would have had steam coming from her ears. When they arrived at McGonagalls class room, Y/N saw Rushman waiting, leaning against a table.

"What kept you?" Rushman asked.

"Staunton. Okay, Y/N sit down. For this session we just want to talk to you first, we'll get onto work on Thursday, we want to know about you, figure out some things that we can use to help teach you, where you perhaps lack in certain areas of the curriculum, we've noticed your Numeracy is your lowest scoring subject besides religion, want to explain those two?" McGonagall said as she took a seat at a desk with a pile of paperwork.

"Forgive the pun, but I think you can take an educated guess on the religion side of things." Y/N said as McGonagall nodded.

"Right, you've told us both the same thing, Staunton hates you, any idea why she would choose you as a target?" Rushman asked as Y/N noticed her approach and lean on the table next to Y/N.

"I have a few theories, predominantly that she may be a friend of Eugene's family. I mean a lot of the teachers here love Eugene, always favour him. But Staunton, she seems to take it as a personal attack whenever someone suggests that Eugene is in the wrong." Y/N said as Rushman nodded.

A Witch and Two Spiders [Spider-man reader x Wanda Maximoff x Natasha Romanoff]Where stories live. Discover now