The Morning After A Sleep over

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The next morning, Y/N walked down to the dining room to see Eleanor was already up.

"Morning Ms Bishop." Y/N said as Eleanor smiled.

"Morning Y/N, how are you feeling? Any better?"

"Yeah, thank you for letting me stay."

"Please, I'm glad Kates got a friend like you on her side."

"Like me, miss?"

"Polite, loyal, friendly." Eleanor said as Y/N smiled. "She's lucky to have you, Y/N."

"Thank you Miss."

"Eleanor, please. It's Eleanor. Ah, there's my girl." Eleanor said as Y/N turned to see Kate walking down the stairs in purple pyjamas, her hair all messy from bed. "Morning sleepyhead."

"Morning Mom. Mornin' Y/N." Kate said as she smiled at them both.

"So, Kate, sleep well?" Eleanor said as Kate nodded. "After staying up to finish watching the movie marathon that is."

"Ah, it was worth it. Besides, it's only a...oh no...It's only a Wednesday isn't it." Kate said as Y/N chuckled.

"Yep, you two get your breakfast eaten and then start getting ready for school. Y/N, I think there are some of your old clothes in your rooms wardrobe from when you were last here." Eleanor said as Y/N nodded. "Come on, get to it."

Y/N and Kate looked at the nearly empty box of Fruit Loop cereal on the counter and immediately began fighting over it.

Y/N and Kate looked at the nearly empty box of Fruit Loop cereal on the counter and immediately began fighting over it

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Kate eventually won, with a smug smile on her face as Eleanor shook her head at the two. While Kate poured out the last of the cereal Y/N made himself some toast and a cup of coffee. He sat opposite Kate who was making a show of eating the cereal, Y/N glared at her as he ate his toast, the look making Kate chuckle to herself as Y/N intern laughed at Kate trying to look victorious while laughing.

Y/N was the first to finish and washed his plate in the sink, cleaning the knife he used to butter the toast as well as the plate, putting the knife into the drying cup while he put the plate onto the drying rack, he checked the time and saw they had half an hour until lunch.

When he reached the spare room where he had slept, Y/N opened the wardrobe and found a pair of jeans and a shirt. He lay them out on the bed and got into the bedrooms on suite shower, using his phone to play music for him as he got washed up. When he stepped out of the shower and got dried off he heard someone close the door to the spare bedroom, wrapping the towel around himself, he peaked out from the door and saw Kate already holding his clothes out to him.

"What are you doing in here right now?" Y/N asked as Kate chuckled.

"Right now, trying not to catch a peak. I came to talk to you." Kate said as Y/N was quick to get dressed into some fresh clothes. As he walked out he saw Kate waiting for him.

"What's up?"

"I saw it, the bank the other day. You're still doing those crazy stunts huh?" Kate said as Y/N smiled.

"Yeah." Y/N said as Kate nodded.

"Well, I'd hate for anything to happen to you, And you kind of look ridiculous in that onesie, so, I made you this." Kate said as she handed Y/N a small paper bag. "Keep it in that until you go on patrol."

"Thank you, Kate. Really." Y/N said as Kate smiled.

"Ah, it's nothing. Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to go and get ready for school." Kate said as she left, stopping at the door. "Ciao."

As Y/N packed the suit into his bag he made sure to hid it at the bottom of the bag. He changed into the last of his clothes and went downstairs, ringing May to tell her he was all right and he'll see her after school.

When Kate came down from her room, Y/N looked at her and saw she was wearing a purple shirt with some dark grey jeans and a pair of black trainers. He had to admit, she looked good, that hadn't ever changed, not even since the breakup.

"Ready?" Kate asked as Y/N nodded.

"Yeah." Y/N.

"All right, bye Mom!" Kate called out as Y/N saw Eleanor rush in.

"See you when you get back honey."

"Thank you for your hospitality Mi- Eleanor." Y/N said as the woman smiled.

"Stop by anytime Y/N, you're always welcome." Eleanor said as the elevator arrived.

On the bus to school, Y/N and Kate got on the bus together and sat at the back, where Y/N read his book. Two stops later, Gwen and Peter got on together along with MJ and Ned. Y/N noticed Peter glaring at him and knew he was in for it today.

He made sure to keep his head down as he carried on reading, not listening to Flash mocking his reading material, he didn't care about other peoples opinions on his books. As he sat reading he felt something resting on his left shoulder, he turned and saw Kate was back asleep with her head on his shoulder, the tight taking him back to when they were dating each other. He remembered those days fondly, the times he and Kate had together, but Kate realised Y/N had other obligations, some which meant he might not come home one day, so they broke up, both agreeing that it wouldn't work, with Y/N not wanting his best friend to worry if her boyfriend would come home or be carried home in a bodybag, and Kate not wanting to worry about that. They remained as friends, the closest of friends, both no stranger to sharing intimacy, or falling asleep on one another, usually it was Y/N falling asleep on the bus, his head falling onto Kates lap as she chuckled about him staying up all night saving the city.

The Bus eventually arrived at school and the day began, with Y/N arriving early to McGonagalls English lesson and trying to get some reading done while it was mostly silent...

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