Some Things Never Change...

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Y/N woke up early the next day, Monday, start of the school day, he looked at the time and saw he had 20 minutes to get to school, Natasha and Wanda were missing from the bed. 

"They must have gone to work early. What a night." Y/N remarked to himself as he jumped out of bed and quickly got showered and dressed, he headed out to the common room and found Steve was doing paperwork.

"Kid, thought you'd be in school?" Steve said as he noticed Y/N.

"Yeah, overslept. I'd best get going, else Wanda and Nat won't let me hear the end of it." Y/N said as he left, heading out of the compound and running as fast as he could to school.

He arrived just in time for lesson. As he walked into lesson Y/N saw Peter and fist bumped with him as he sat in his seat, Y/N noticed Wanda walk into the room she looked at Y/N and smiled knowingly as she sat down with her work.

The lesson went by quickly, with the class being a buzz with stories about how Brother Peter, Staunton, and Principle Thomas were arrested and sent to prison for being part of a criminal organisation.

"That's enough talk about that horrible man." Wanda said as she heard someone mention Brother Peter again.

As the lesson ended the students filed out of the classroom Wanda called Y/N back to class.

"Are you okay, with everyone talking about him it mustn't be easy." Wanda asked as Y/N nodded.

"I'll live." Y/N said with a smiled as Wanda looked at him and smiled. "Besides, we both know where he lives."

The school day went by as usual, lessons and arguments with Flash, resulting in punishments undoubtedly going in Flashes favour, his family having bribed the new teachers.

"Mr Parker I'm going to have to suspend you. 2 days out of school should do the trick, do you have anything to say?"

"No sir. Nothing to say." Y/N said as he grabbed his bag and left school. "New day, same old crap."

Y/N headed into an alleyway and got changed into his repaired suit. He swung out of the alley and into the air, landing on a roof as he began to run.

"Let's see what you've got for me today New York!" Y/N called out as he swung from building to building, running along the sides of lorries and free running over cars.

"Let's see what you've got for me today New York!" Y/N called out as he swung from building to building, running along the sides of lorries and free running over cars

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Y/N sent out a web and swung from a building and kicked out to thrust himself further into the air and over an apartment building.

Y/N waited until the last possible second before sending a web onto a building swinging off past the cars, a blur of red and blue flashing past them

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Y/N waited until the last possible second before sending a web onto a building swinging off past the cars, a blur of red and blue flashing past them.

Y/N waited until the last possible second before sending a web onto a building swinging off past the cars, a blur of red and blue flashing past them

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Y/N ran up the side of the old Stark Tower before running and jumping into a roll, before allowing himself to free fall. This was his life, one of them, in one life he played the part of Y/N Parker, nerd who occasionally got into trouble, in this life, he was Spider-Man, the hero people now looked to, the person who had taught folks to hold on one second longer, he had become hope...

 This was his life, one of them, in one life he played the part of Y/N Parker, nerd who occasionally got into trouble, in this life, he was Spider-Man, the hero people now looked to, the person who had taught folks to hold on one second longer, he...

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[A/N] Thank you all for your support on this story, Spider-Man has always been one of if not my favourite super heroes and I have loved every second of writing this story, he was the first superhero I ever knew and the character has always felt relatable (Apart from the whole superpowers thing obviously) I hope you have all enjoyed reading this story as much as I have loved writing it. Thank you all. 

: )

[2nd A/N] Would you like a sequel to this story?

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