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The School day went by rather fast, with Y/N managing to keep his nose clean through the day, not even getting into any trouble as he managed to avoid Flash and his goons. Peter had been giving him the cold shoulder and to be honest Y/N didn't blame him. He was going to make a point of apologizing to May when he got back home. But for now, it was home time, and Peter was under the impression that Y/N was in extra tuition with McGonagall and Rushman, so he and his friends went home, meanwhile Y/N had gotten changed into the new suit that Kate had given him.

(Homemade Suit MKII)

Y/N looked out over the city of New York as he enjoyed the ambience around him

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Y/N looked out over the city of New York as he enjoyed the ambience around him. The wonderful cacophony of noises was overwhelmed however when Y/N spotted a Police car with it's sirens blurring zooming through the traffic, Y/N jumped into a free fall off the building before reaching his left hand out and firing a web from his wrist, people on the ground saw a red and blue streak pass them as he swung past them, earning cheers from some, and abuse from others. He managed to keep up with the police car by wall running and web swinging around town, following it to a shootout between a gang and the cops. Y/N swung in and kicked one gang member before webbing anothers hand to the nearby van, throwing the third gangster at the van and their colleague. Bullets flew at him and he dodged them all before using his webs to yank the gun from the gangsters hand and pull them towards him, sending a roundhouse kick straight into the shooters face. 

"Whew, talk about road rage." Y/N quipped to himself as he turned to the cops. "You okay? Anyone hurt?"

"Freeze!" The Cops said as Y/N put his hands up.

"Really, come on!"

"Who are you?"

"Really?" Y/N asked sarcastically. "No one seems to grasp the concept of the mask." 

Y/N sprang into the air and used his webs to disarm the officers

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Y/N sprang into the air and used his webs to disarm the officers.

"Save your lives and that's how you thank me, sheesh." Y/N said as he swung off into the city, wall running on the sides of container trucks and riding the rooves of cars. "Woo ho-Aah! Hey, watch it, I'm swingin' here!"

Y/N web-zipped out of the way of an incoming lorry, and swung from a building, going between to semi's.

"This is C.W Spidey, looks like we got us a convoy!" Y/N quipped as emerged, sending another web out to a building and pulling himself up to roof height, beginning to free run over and under obstacles, he loved this part of being Spider-Man, the web swinging, the running across city rooftops and bounding roof to roof. As he swung around the city Y/N got a phone call. "Hey May, I'm on my way home now, I'll be there in ten minutes."

"All right, can you pick up some eggs from the shop on your way back?"

"Eggs, anythin' else?"

"No, just eggs." May said as Y/N gave a hum.

"Mmmhm, Alright, see you when I get back, May." Y/N said as he put the phone away and swung a few more blocks before he jumped down into an empty alley and got changed into his normal clothes, his suit now in his bag as he walked into the grocery shop and bought some Eggs. "Thanks Mel!"

"Take care Parker." Mel called out as Y/N walked out and began walking back to Mays apartment, his earphones in and his music playing as he made his way through the neighbourhood, eventually finding his way back to Mays apartment, already planning his apology... 

A Witch and Two Spiders [Spider-man reader x Wanda Maximoff x Natasha Romanoff]Where stories live. Discover now