Trusting Tutors...

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As Y/N finished his final lesson of the day, he was heading back to McGonagall's class when he saw Rushman arrive, books in her hands.

"Ms Rushman." Y/N said kindly as she smiled. "I'm assuming you took my advice?"

"I did, come on Hefner." Rushman said with a chuckle as she opened the door and walked in, with McGonagall already waiting with a smile on her face, Y/N had to admit, she looked cute, and pretty hot. McGonagall's smile seemingly grew wider after he thought that for a moment before Rushman shut the door.

"Sorry for interrupting earlier." Y/N said as McGonagall smirked. "Though, by the smile on your faces I'll assume it didn't really stop either of you."

"No, it didn't. We wanted to talk to you about earlier, before we get started on this lesson." McGonagall said as Y/N looked intrigued.

"I won't tell anyone if that's what you're worried about." Y/N said as McGonagall smiled.

"Oh, we know you won't. No, we wanted to talk about you, we've brought this question up a few times, but each time you keep avoiding it. We want to help you however we can Y/N, but we can't do much if we don't know anything. Please, Y/N...tell us. Why are you so afraid of Brother Peter?" McGonagall asked as Y/N shook his head.

"No. I can't." Y/N said as McGonagall stared at Y/N for a moment before looking shocked, she looked at her with a look that said it all.

"Y/N...has...has Brother Peter...has he hurt you?" Rushman asked, her voice was soft, like that of a mother comforting a child. "Please, Y/N talk to us."

"I can't, I wish I could, but I can't." Y/N said as he began to sob from the memories.


"Come on Parker, come with me."

"No! Get off of me!" Y/N screamed and kicked but to no avail.

30 minutes later:

Y/N was sobbing and throwing up on the floor of the office as Brother Peter finished cleaning himself up. 

"Tell a soul what happened to you here today...and they'll never find Ben's body, May's body, or Peter's, or Kate's. I'll make you watch as I brain them. Best make sure it stays as our little secret." Brother Peter said, fastening his belt back up and leaving a sobbing and broken Y/N on the floor wishing he was dead.

As Y/N remembered the events of that day, he broke down in Rushmans arms as McGonagall joined in trying to comfort him as best she could.

"I can't tell you, I can't tell a soul." Y/N muttered to himself as Rushman noticed something on his back peaking out from under his shirt, she moved the shirt collar back a bit and saw the brand of HYDRA on his back.

"Y/N, do you mind if Professor McGonagall and I have a word in private outside? Is that alright?" Rushman asked as Y/N nodded.

McGonagall and Rushman stepped outside into the corridor before hushing their voices.

"Wanda, I know you think he's innocent, but he's got the HYDRA brand on his back." Nat whispered.

"I know, but he's not HYDRA."

"You knew?" Natasha asked as Wanda nodded.

"Look, Nat, there's something you should know about the other night. I wasn't phoning anyone, Y/N turned up at my place, beaten to within an inch of his life, I spent an hour tending to the wounds and then he left." Wanda said as Nat looked hurt.

"You didn't think to tell me about the student with the HYDRA brand on his back?" Nat whisper shouted.

"No, because I wanted to find out how he got it before I told you. I wanted to track it down to the source, and I did, sort of. Still a bit murky, but the fact is this, he's not actually HYDRA, or at the very least he isn't anymore."

"You don't know that." Nat said.

"I do, there's more to him than you think." Wanda said as Nat looked at her. "Just give him a chance, please." 

Natasha seemed to think about it for a moment before nodding.

"Fine, I'll give him a chance, but if for one second, it looks like he's gonna betray us, I'm eliminating him, passively or aggressively." Natasha said as Wanda nodded.

"That's all I'm asking. Before we go back in there..."

"Yes?" Nat said as she looked at Wanda.

"I saw it in his mind, I've been trying to get into his mind since meeting him, but something's been locking me out, until then when he broke into tears, I know why he's terrified of Brother Peter." Wanda explained.


"Brother Peter...raped Y/N. He's threatened Y/N's family if he tells a soul about it. If you want to go after him you need to make sure it can't be linked back to Y/N." Wanda said as Natasha's fists curled. She looked through the door at the boy sobbing and her fists unclenched.

"I'll try and find evidence on Brother Peter, but we've got a mission, and we can't do anything without proof." Nat said as Wanda nodded.

"I know we don't have anything other than his word, but we can at least help him in small ways, comfort him, keep him from feeling scared, let him know our doors always open to him or something." Wanda said as Nat agreed.

"We should get to teaching, we'll talk to him at the end of the session." Nat said as they both walked into the classroom.

As they went through the lesson, McGonagall and Rushman were being as kind and gentle to Y/N as possible. He managed to finally master Algebra as a whole, getting to the point where he was able to answer a whole booklet without getting a question wrong. 

At the end of the lesson, Y/N was packing up when McGonagall and Rushman stopped him.

"Y/N, can you sit down for a minute please?" McGonagall said as Y/N sat back in his seat, Ms Rushman approached and sat down, moving her chair on his right so that she was facing him, while Professor McGonagall did the same on his left. "Do you mind if we ask you a sensitive question Y/N?"

Y/N just shrugged.

"Please, it's important." McGonagall said kindly.

"Okay." Y/N mumbled.

"How did you get the mark on your back?" McGonagall asked as Y/N looked at her.


"I saw it just before me and Wendy stepped outside. Where did you get it?"

"I can't, they'll kill my friends, my family, you, if I breath a word to anyone." Y/N said as Rushman leaned in.

"I know who that brand belongs to Y/N, I just need to know, are you...are you a part of HYDRA?" Rushman asked as Y/N looked at her.

"No. I'm not part of them." Y/N said as Rushman looked into his eyes and saw he was telling the complete truth.

"Okay, so that was put on you unwillingly?" Rushman asked as Y/N looked at her Emerald green eyes, and then to McGonagalls blue-green-grey eyes, something in their eyes made him feel safe, like he could trust them.

"Yes. They pinned me down and branded me." Y/N said as McGonagall looked at him and realized why.

"Okay. Thank you for telling us Y/N. Don't worry." Rushman said as Y/N nodded, he picked up his bag and left.

"Y/N, you be careful, yeah." McGonagall said as she covertly winked at Y/N who smiled.

"Always, Professor." Y/N said, leaving the lesson and heading to an alleyway to change into his suit... 

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