Take A Break

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Y/N had spent up to four hours going through every record sentence by sentence, picture by picture, looking for anything that matched the description of what he saw in the office, but there was nothing, not a single reference to anything fitting the description. He ran his hands over his face and let out a long exasperated sigh as he heard the door open.

"Homework?" Nat's voice said as Y/N nodded.

"Something along those lines." Y/N said as he began to put the folders back on the shelves in the order he found them in. "Not a single other instance of a red glowing fist."

"Come on, take a break, Wanda, can you reset these records in the correct place faster?" Nat said as Wanda nodded and used her powers to move all of the records back to their original places in an instant.

As Y/N, Nat and Wanda all walked to the common room, with Wanda holding hands with Nat and Y/N, they made their way to Nat's room, with Y/N still thinking about what he saw.

"Stop thinking about it Y/N, we're taking a break from work." Wanda said as she looked down at Y/N.

"I can't stop thinking about it." Y/N said as he stopped walking. "I'm finally getting close to stopping this guy, making sure he never does to anyone else what he's done to me on multiple occasions, what he's done to countless other people. I'm finally close, if I take my foot off the gas it gives him time to breath and get his counter attack in order and then...people will die. I have to keep going."

"We're not saying you should stop, we're saying you should get your breath back, or else he's gonna capitalise on you being exhausted." Nat said, keeping the analogy going. "If you want to fight this guy, you need to outthink him, it's no use just relying on strength, eventually your gonna come up against someone stronger than you, or faster, more agile, can last longer, battles are won by what goes on up here, not the blows that land."

Y/N was silent as he looked at Wanda who nodded.

"She's right Y/N. You had a close call today, you need to unwind, take a break and get your breath back, otherwise everything you're doing now, goes to waste." Wanda said as Y/N sighed, realising they were right.

"All right, I...I'll take a break." Y/N said as he saw Wanda's and Natasha's eyes widen, he turned and saw Gwen stood with a shocked expression. "It's not what it looks like."

"Who were you talking about stopping?" Gwen asked as Y/N paused.

"No one, honest, it's nothing, just um...reading lines from the book I'm writing." Y/N lied as Gwen looked at him.

"Sure, and me and Peter aren't dating." Gwen sarcastically as Y/N looked unsurprised by the revelation.

"Look Gwen, seriously, I should get to the Labs. Thanks for help with the homework." Y/N said as he went to walk away only for Gwen to not give up, he forgot she was tenacious when her friends were concerned.

"I know that homework story is bull crap, talk now." Gwen said as Y/N looked at her.

"It's the truth. Honest-"

"Y/N, people who are being honest don't feel the need to say the word honest when telling you the truth." Gwen said as Y/N sighed.

"Fine, but don't tell anyone...It was me preparing for drama class."

"Don't lie." Gwen said as Y/N shook his head.

"Not lying. Go and ask them both. Ask Kate, she probably knows about it." Y/N said as Gwen nodded.

"Okay, I will." Gwen said. "If you're lying to me Y/N Parker I'm gonna kick your butt." Gwen said prodding her pointing finger into Y/N's chest, she stormed out Y/N was quick to message Kate asking for help keeping the lie going, while messaging Wanda and Nat the cover story.

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