Who Am I?

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As Y/N swung through the city, sirens wailed as fire engines tore through traffic trying to get to the scenes of the bombings, Y/N felt the rain beating down on him as he made his way to the closest burning building. He landed outside the building next to the firefighter leading the team.

"Please, get in there, my son's in there!" A man in the crowd shouted.

"What's the situation sir?" Y/N asked as the firefighter looked shocked for a second before getting their composure back.

"We got a young kid's stuck on the third floor but the flames are stopping us and the beams have blocked the stairway." The firefighter sergeant said as Y/N nodded. He web zipped up to the building opposite the window the firefighter pointed at and then attached a web either side of the window, he pulled slightly on the webs to build up power before he slingshot himself through the window blocked by the fallen beams, smashing through the fallen beams and into the room.

"Where are you?!" Y/N called out as he heard a childs cries from the wardrobe, Y/N turned and saw the child sitting on a bed crying in fear of the flams, the ground beneath the bed gave way and Y/N dived, using his web to hold onto a nearby wall and tying it to the web he was using to hold onto the bed, stopping it from falling into the flaming inferno below. The child on the bed began to thrash about and call for help. "Woah, woah, hey kid, calm down."

"HELP!" The boy called out as Y/N took off his mask in front of the kid.

"Hey, buddy, it's okay, it's alright. Look, I'm just a normal guy." Y/N said he offered the mask to the kid. "You want to hold on to this?"

The kid nodded and Y/N passed the mask to the kid who caught it and looked at it.

"What's your name?" Y/N asked as the boy looked at him.


"Miles? Let's get you out of here, huh?" Y/N said gently before he noticed the flames had caught onto the bed, spreading up and the web holding the bed gave way. Y/N caught the beg with his hand, holding onto one of the few parts of the bed that weren't burning. "Woah! Agh, Miles, climb, now!"

"I can't!"

"Yes you can!" Y/N said as he saw a post of the bed fall into the fire below. "Put, put it on...the mask, it's gonna make you strong. Miles, trust me, put it on." 

Miles put on the mask and began to climb up the mattress, Y/N could feel the part of the bed he was holding onto beginning to weaken.

"There you go, come on Miles! Do me a solid and move a little faster okay bud!" Y/N said as he tried his best to hold onto the bed.

Miles kept climbing.

"You're doing great bud, you're doing great." Y/N cheered the boy on. "That's it, keep on climbing bud!"

As Miles was about to reach Y/N, the handhold Y/N had on the bed gave way and the bed began falling.

"NO!" Y/N cried out as he used his web to catch miles saving him from the flames, as Y/N climbed up with Miles hanging on like it was a piggy back, he put his mask back on and then with Miles still piggy backing on him, Y/N swung out of the burning building, landing just next to the cop who was waiting.

"NO!" Y/N cried out as he used his web to catch miles saving him from the flames, as Y/N climbed up with Miles hanging on like it was a piggy back, he put his mask back on and then with Miles still piggy backing on him, Y/N swung out of the burnin...

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(Introducing D.B. Woodside as Jefferson Davis!)

"Miles!" The cop said as he rushed over and embraced his son before looking up at Y/N. "Thank you, Spider-Man."

"No need to thank me officer...Davis. Hell of a brave kid you got there." Y/N said as he leapt into the air and swung off into the city.

As he swung through the city, Y/N helped with the fires and helping people escape, now, he was going to rescue Kate from her captors, and then he was putting those responsible behind bars...

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