Public Menace No.1

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That night after spending a few more hours in lessons, and going home, Y/N was in his room supposedly listening to his Walkman, when in truth he was listening out for Police chatter, Peter was out with his friends and under the impression that Y/N was in extra tuition a day early.

"All unit's we've had reports of a break in at Wells Fargo Bank, 781 Broadway." The dispatcher said.

Y/N grabbed his homemade suit from inside his mattress and put it on before leaping out of the bedroom window and sending a web onto a building, swinging from it to the next building, the wind rushing through his mask as he got that adrenaline rush that came with the web swinging.

(Homemade Suit.)


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"Ha ha ha. Woo hoo!" Y/N screamed out as he swung from building to building, wall running, doing parkour on rooftops as he swung through the city towards the bank that was currently being robbed.

He managed to arrive just as the robbers were leaving.

"Come on man! We gotta go the cops will get here any second now!" The ringleader said as he heard a thud on the van roof, he turned to see Spiderman stood there. "Who the hells this guy in the onesie."

"Come on man, really, It's not a onesie!" Spiderman complained as he webbed one robber to a wall. "Why don't you all just sit and wait for the cops, and I don't have to kick your asses?"

The robbers pulled out their guns and fired at Y/N who dodged every bullet.

"Is it my turn yet?" Y/N said with a chuckle as he looked at the robbers holding guns with empty magazines

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"Is it my turn yet?" Y/N said with a chuckle as he looked at the robbers holding guns with empty magazines. "I mean seriously, Stormtroopers from Star Wars have better aim than you guys!"

He webbed the ringleader up and slammed him into the side of the van before hearing a magazine hit the floor, in an instant Y/N had jumped up onto the ceiling and grabbed the closest robber and cocooned him in web before loading a full cartridge of web fluid into his web shooters, putting the old one into his pocket. Two down, one to go.

The third and final thug pulled out a knife and Y/N looked at him with his head tilted.

"Seriously? The gun didn't work so you think the knife will?" Y/N asked in genuine wonder as he jumped down and avoided a series of attempted stabs. "Oh, this is just sad, it's like finding a lost puppy fighting a tree right now."

The robber kept attacking until Y/N slapped the knife from his hand and punched him in the stomach before following it up by driving his fist up into the robbers chin, the punch lifting the robber off their feet, when they hit the floor, Y/N webbed them down before turning to everyone else.

"Everyone okay? Anyone hurt?" Y/N asked as they all shook their head. "All right, you all take care." 

Y/N left the bank and jumped high into the sky before swinging off into the city, making his way to a nearby rooftop to listen to the dispatch radio for anymore crimes. He sat on the rooftop looking out at the city and enjoying the views, the radio chatter filling his ears about how the bank robbery had been stopped.

After a short while longer on a mostly eventless patrol, Y/N swung back to Mays apartment and climbed in through his and Peters shared bedroom window, Peter still wasn't back yet, to Y/N's relief. He got changed into his normal clothes and put his suit into his mattress on the bunkbed. Another patrol over...

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