In The Arms of The Angels

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Y/N had spent the night unpacking his clothes into the wardrobe as he tried his best to settle in as he went to sleep that night, the flashbacks to the incident with Brother Peter, it got to one point where it was 3 am when Natasha was awoken, she ran into Y/N's room and saw him crying out. He was swinging his arms like he was trying to punch someone, Wanda walked into the room after her dreams were over taken by hearing Y/N's thoughts, she saw him trashing and Natasha trying to calm him, immediately Wanda walked up to the bed and tried shaking him awake but he wasn't waking.

"I need to find a way stimulate his senses, alert him to danger!" Wanda said as she was about to use her powers when Nat's open palm swatted into Y/N's face, he woke up and looked at Nat and Wanda, seeing them both in his room, then he felt the sting of the slap.

"Ow, did you just slap me?!" Y/N asked as Natasha hummed.

"It woke you up didn't it?" Nat asked as Y/N shrugged. He couldn't argue with her logic.

"He...he was here, he..." Y/N ran to the on suite bathroom and threw up into the toilet, remembering what happened. When he stood up, Y/N walked back into his room and saw Wanda with Nat.

"Come on, go back to sleep, we'll be here to keep you safe." Wanda said as Y/N went wide eyed.

"Ms Maximoff, I don't want to intrud-"

"Don't finish that sentence kid, if you were intruding I wouln't have just offered would I. Come on." Wanda said as she patted the bed.

He slept soundly as he was between Wanda and Natasha, the two women holding hands as their arms draped over him protectively.

When he woke up in the morning, he looked around at the two women, and smiled at the sight of them holding hands again, at least they were both on good terms again. He then realised he was lying in a bed, in only his boxers, with two beautiful women either side of him.

"I can hear your naughty thoughts little Spider." Wanda said as she smiled, Y/N looked at her.

"And I can hear you talking Little witch, both of you go back to sleep, it's too early for this crap." Nat said as she went back to sleeping, here barely audible snores filling the room as Y/N smirked, he allowed sleep to consume him again before waking two hours later to find no one was there, he looked to the window and saw Natasha stood in her bra and panties looking out the tinted window, no one could see in, but Natasha could see out.

"Um, I remember you having clothes on when I last saw you." Y/N said as Natasha turned holding a cup of coffee in her hands.

"Why do you think the shower's running?" Nat said with a smirk as she sipped the coffee. Y/N turned to his bathroom and heard Wanda singing in Sokovian.

"How's the cheek look?" Y/N asked as Natasha looked at him.

"So you found the riding crop." Nat said as Y/N looked at her and the realised what she meant, he was pulled from his imagination by Wanda's voice.

"I'm assuming Ms Rushman put those thoughts in your head?" Wanda said as Y/N looked at her.

"Yes." Y/N said as Natasha looked at him.

"Traitor." She mumbled as Wanda sauntered over to her and smirked.

"Looks like I'll be returning the favour tonight, Detka." Wanda said in a husky voice, her Sokovian accent thickening, Y/N was trying to suppress his thoughts. "Ooh, it seems you both share something in common, you both enjoy my accent."

"I'm wearing a helmet or something next time I'm around you, something to keep you out." Y/N said as Wanda smiled.

"Oh, it's so much fun playing with you when you think those thoughts." Wanda said in a flirty manor as Natasha turned to Y/N.

"Run, I'll hold her off." Nat said dramatically like it was a heroic sacrifice as Y/N shook his head.

"Aw, I wanna watch this, and it's my room after all." Y/N said as Nat and Wanda smirked.

"Maybe you'll get to watch us if we ever decide on a three way relationship, but I wouldn't hold my breath, out, promise I'll clean the sheets." Wanda said as Y/N left, slightly bummed out on missing out on what he's sure was an enjoyable scene...

A Witch and Two Spiders [Spider-man reader x Wanda Maximoff x Natasha Romanoff]Where stories live. Discover now